Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mouse Trap car report. Description of how we built, materials, showed relation the Newtons Laws.

Mouse Trap car report. Description of how we built, materials, showed relation the Newtons Laws. Mouse Trap CarThe mouse trap car we designed for this project was pretty standard. We used metal rods with rubber wheels attached for the axles and wheels. We supported the axles to the frame using "U" nails. Our wheels featured some spinners as well. For the actual body of the car we glued the mouse trap on another piece of wood to lengthen the body. The mouse trap was hot glued on the top with a extended arm for more leverage. One end of a rope was glued on the extended mouse trap arm and the other end to the rear axle. As you wound the back wheels the rope would whined as well pulling the arm of the mouse trap back. When the trap arm was released the rope would begin to unwind spinning the rear wheels.As it comes to the performance of our car I think it preformed alright.English: Changes in the kinetic and potential ener...It could have done a lot better. I believe are car made it about five meters. Two strengths of are car where probably the spinners on the wheels, and also the w ay we have the back of the mouse trap carved out allowing more room for the rope to be wound. Two definite weaknesses of are car was that the back wheels were not big enough therefore the car would spin out most of the time. Another weakness is that the axles were not on there perfectly straight so the tires would rub against the body of the car causing friction.During the construction of the car a big problem we ran into was that the front end was running to close to the ground. The way we solved it was by making extender legs from the body of the car to the axle. One good...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The 48 Most Essential Marketing Skills You Need to Be Successful

The 48 Most Essential Marketing Skills You Need to Be Successful As a marketer, you know the industry is continually changing. From fresh tactics to emerging trends, theres always something new  to  learn. So you jump on to Google and read the first page of results. And you see list after list of skills that marketers *should* have. It can be a bit overwhelming. So, weve done our best to narrow down the essentials. What weve come up with is a list of 48 foundational marketing skills we think are most important to build and develop. We’ve also included links to guides and resources to help you learn and implement each skill. Keep reading and see where you can fill in the gaps in your skillset. These Are The 48 Essential Marketing Skills You Need To Be Successful 2018Download The 11 Step Guide To Learning A New Skill Knowing how to learn is a skill in itself. But, its a skill anyone can master. By following the steps in this guide, youll learn how to: Get past the fear of failure. Develop an efficient and repeatable system for skill-building. Understand how to take on new tasks and succeed, even if youve never done something before. Get it free now, and use it to build any of the following 48 skills well cover in this post.Get your free guide on building #marketing skills from @:Introducing the Academy: Looking for insider marketing knowledge to improve your skills even further? Join the Academy now. Why Do You Need To Continually Develop Your Marketing Skills? If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times. The marketing world is evolving. If you can’t stay on top of the latest skills in the market, how can you expect to be successful? Your audience is constantly being bombarded with ads, messages, distractions and a whole lot more. You need the skills that will allow you to create marketing strategies that let your content stand out in a crowd. Here is the list of top skills marketers should consider keeping in their toolbox in 2018. Which marketing skills are most essential to posess? Start with these 48 from @.12 Basic Marketing Skills That Should Be On Every Marketer’s Resume Why focus on the basics? Shouldn’t you have those down by now? You might, but a brush up never hurt anyone. There’s also the fact that the what’s now considered a basic marketing skill may have changed from what it was ten years ago. Plus the basics are what build your foundation as a successful marketer. If they start to crumble the rest of your skill set will go right along with it. Here are the 12 basic skills that should be on every marketer’s resume. 12 Basic Marketing Skills That Should Be In Your WheelhouseThe Ability to Write Well Writing is the foundation of everything else that a marketer does. Without strong writing skills, everything else you do will falter. Writing comes into play whenever you’re creating ad copy, social media posts, press releases and so much more. You need to be able to comprehensively communicate your message at all times. Recommend Reading:   40 Content Writing Tips to Make You A Better Marketer Now Internal Communication Skills As a marketer, you’re not just communicating with your target audience. You’re communicating internally with your co-workers and boss as well. Keeping clear and consistent messaging within your marketing team means you can get more done and you don’t have to worry about another team member running a project off the rails. In addition to communicating with your co-workers, you also need to be able to talk to your boss and upper management. Can you explain your projects and anticipate the questions or concerns they’ll have in advance? Recommended Reading: 5 Tips To Create Effective Internal Communications With Your Team Interpersonal Communication Skills Interpersonal communication skills go hand in hand with internal communication skills. This particular skill set, however, is focused on how things are said not just what has been said. The reality of the situation is that we are all human and therefore we’re always communicating with each other whether we intend to or not. As a marketer, you need to be aware of the people around you and what you are intentionally or unintentionally saying at all times. Recommended Reading: Interpersonal Skills List and Examples Be A Confident Public Speaker Whether you’re standing up in front of your boss or client in the middle of a pitch meeting or you’re giving a live press conference, public speaking is inevitable. While that may have made you cringe in your high school speech class the fact of the matter is that as a marketer you need to be able to pitch your project or your product with ease. If you appear to have confidence in what you’re saying your audience will too. Recommended Reading: 5 Easy Ways to Become a Better Public Speaker Fast Maintain an Attitude of Lifelong Learning Another basic skill that should be on the resume of every marketer is maintaining the attitude of lifelong learning. As marketers, we’re always taking in new information whether that be a new advertising tactic or a research report that’s been published about our target audience. In other words, our job of learning new things is never done. The minute you close yourself off and think you know everything there is to know you’ll end up falling behind. So read every book you can get your hands on and listen to a podcast or two on your way to work. Recommended Reading: 10 Simple Ways To Engage In Lifelong Learning Be Type A Organized You wear many hats and balance many, many projects, which means that you need to be organized. Why? Because one misstep and $50,000 could fly out the window like that. Staying organized helps you avoid that because you and your marketing team members will be able to see what’s coming, plan in advance and side step massive mishaps. Recommended Reading: The Complete 16-Step Marketing Project Management Process That Will Get You Organized Know How To Set Goals 73% of CEOs  believe that marketers â€Å"lack business credibility and the ability to generate significant growth.† Ouch. That's because it’s easy to dismiss marketers as people in the corner drawing pretty pictures who don’t do anything. Yeah, I know. It makes my blood boil, too. So how do you solve all of that? You set goals that directly impact business objectives (that your company's CEO actually cares about). By creating goals that have a direct and positive impact on your business you can show your efforts  are paying off. Recommended Reading: How To Set SMART Marketing Goals Understand the Difference Between Goals, Strategies, and Tactics Let’s face it; goals, strategies,  and tactics go hand in hand when it comes to marketing, so it’s easy to confuse them with each other. However, being able to tell the distinction between the three is going to ensure you don’t get tripped up on one of them during your marketing process. Goals are the objectives that have been set by your marketing team that you need to meet by the end of a specified time period. Strategies are the organized plans that are composed of different tactics that outline how to reach your goals. Your tactics, on the other hand, are the steps that you take to help you achieve your goals. Recommended Reading: Understanding Goals, Strategy, Objectives And Tactics In The Age Of Social Be An Active Listener We all know that one person in our lives who is just waiting for their chance to speak in a conversation. What you’re saying is mostly going in one ear and out the other. As a marketer, you cannot afford to passively ignore your customers or your co-workers. Which is why being an active listener is an essential skill any marketer worth their salt knows how to do. Actively listening to the people around you means that you can find out the messages they need to hear. Doing this can help you perfect your campaigns and hopefully convert more people into paying customers. Recommended Reading: Active Listening: Hear What People are Really Saying Know How to Collaborate Across Multiple Teams Your marketing team doesn’t exist in a vacuum where it’s you vs. everyone else in your company. You need to be able to collaborate across multiple teams to complete your projects. This could mean working with developers, your video team, your product team, and more. All of that cross team collaboration means you need to know how to manage and communicate, so everyone who is involved in one project is always on the same page. Recommended Reading: 5 Ways to Improve Cross Team Collaboration Research Everything Marketing is part strategic intuition; part research to see what everyone else is doing. Successful marketers can research current trends and strategies and figure out which ones would work best for their company. There’s always new information out there for marketers to research and gather. Whether that be case studies, academic research reports or white papers, there are thousands of sources out there just waiting to inspire your next great idea. Recommended Reading: How To Boost Your Results With Original Research As A Marketing Tactic With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media Studios This Is The Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content To The Next Level Openness To Trying New Things The last basic skill that should be in a marketer’s tool belt is an openness to try new things. Part of marketing involves simply testing these new things to see if they’re going to work. You’ll never know if something is going to work or not unless you try. Who knows, maybe your next great marketing tactic is the one you haven’t tried yet. Recommended Reading: When, Where, and How to Test Market 6  Introductory Design Skills Every Marketer Should Have Graphic design or any design really is vital for marketers to understand. Why? Because design helps us communicate the message that we want to send to our audience. You may not be at the same level as the graphic designer on your team but having a basic grasp of necessary design skills can help you communicate what you need and pinpoint what worked and why. 6 Introductory Design Skills Marketers Should HaveUnderstand How Responsive Design Works With the addition of tablets, mobile phones, and more, the way we access information is changing. The standard one size fits all website no longer applies because there are tons of different screen sizes out there. That’s where responsive design comes in. As a marketer, you need to understand how your message will look across a variety of different formats and ensure that it communicates the same idea. Recommended Reading: Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design Grasp the Basics of Adobe Creative Suite Adobe is well known for their design products. Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator are just three of the tools that can help bring the images inside your head to life in an online format. Having a basic understanding of how those two programs work can help you and your designer save time. How? If you need a social media graphic that has to go out in 20 minutes, you can now do it yourself. It’s also nice to have an idea of the limitations this type of software might have so you can know what to expect when requesting something from your designers. Recommended Reading: Creative Cloud Tutorials Knowing How UX and UI Plays a Role In Your Customer Interaction The way you’ve designed your website and the experience your customer has interacting with it can affect the way they see your marketing messages. Knowing how your customers move and interact through with your content will allow you to strategically place your messages in the right place and the right time to maximize conversion potential. Recommended Reading: 5 Big Differences Between UX And UI Design Keep Common  Design Specs and Sizes On Hand You’re probably going to request a lot of designed content over the course of your career. This could be anything from social media ads to long infographics. Make it easier for your designer by having common design sizes and specs on hand at all times. Not only will this save them time in guessing the size of the images you need, you’ll also know how much space you have to work with. Some standard sizes to add to your list could be: Social media photo sizes Social media profile picture sizes Social ad sizes and specs Preferred infographics sizes Recommended Reading: The Best Guide to Social Media Image Sizes Every Marketer Needs Know How To Communicate Visualization Needs to Your Designer No one can read your mind. Thank goodness, right? Here’s the problem, since no one can read your mind, how are they supposed to be able to see the impressive idea you have for your next infographic? The truth is they can’t, and an excellent skill for marketers to have is to be able to communicate with their designers about the vision they see inside their head. Can you explain expectations and details to your designer in a way that helps guide them to create the piece you’ve pictured? Recommended Reading: How to Communicate Effectively with Designers Understanding The Basic Principles of Graphic Design The final skill that any marketer should have on their resume is the ability to understand the basic principles of design. Knowing what makes a successful image can help you identify what’s connecting with your audience. Concepts like: Color Theory Composition Theory Typography And more can help you identify what makes a design tremendous and what caught the attention of your audience. Recommended Reading: 8 Principles of Design to Help You Create Awesome Graphics 6 Social Media Skills To Add To Your Resume Social media is the latest and greatest addition to the marketing world. Which means that marketers need a specific set of skills to stand out in this new landscape. If you don’t stay on top of your skills and techniques, there’s a good chance your content will be buried in an avalanche of other stuff. End of story. The following are six simple skills you should have a grasp on. 6 Social Media Skills For MarketersKnow How to Write For Each Social Channel Not all social media messages are created equal. What works for one channel may not go over as well on another. For example, hashtags are great when they’re used on Twitter and Instagram, but they don’t do much for Facebook posts. Knowing the differences between the message types that need to go on each channel can help your content stand out in a sea of other stuff. Recommended Reading: How To Write The Best Social Media Posts [Backed By 6,399,322 Messages + 11 Studies] Have a Decent Amount of Social Media Algorithm Knowledge Social media algorithms are intelligent systems that sort through content and showcase what it believes the user would most likely want to see based on interactions from previous content. These algorithms can’t be tricked or fooled. You can’t post your content and then try and trick the algorithm into showing it to more of you fans. Well, you could, but that’s going to backfire on you sooner rather than later. Algorithms are the social networks way of telling you what content they want to see posted to their newsfeeds. After all you are advertising and posting content on someone else’s turf. For example, live video is going over well on Facebook. Therefore it would make sense to assume that the Facebook algorithm rewards live video content. If you want to boost your presence on Facebook, you could consider creating more live videos. Recommended Reading: How Do Social Media Algorithms Affect You Be Able to Keep Up With Social Trends and Ideas The social media landscape changes at an incredibly fast pace. The minute you’ve got something down, something new surfaces and you’re off to the races again. A proficient social media marketer (and marketer in general) can keep up with those changes by continually thinking ahead and keeping their social strategy head on a metaphorical swivel. Maximize those trends before they hit their peak and get ready to move on to the next one. Recommended Reading: Social Media Trends Change Quickly. This 6-Step Guide Will Help You Keep Up Being Disciplined to Not Chase After Every New Network Social media networks appear and disappear. A new one may surface, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be the next Facebook or Twitter. As a marketer it’s up to you to decide whether or not joining a new network is best for your business. Just because Pinterest works for one company doesn’t mean it will work for you. You need to follow your audience and let them lead you to where they are. Recommended Reading: How to Create the Best Documented Social Media Marketing Strategy In Eight Steps Understand Marketing Strategy (And How to Apply It to Social Media) A skill that marketers must have is being able to see and understand the marketing strategy that goes into creating a social media presence. Don’t just chuck your social media profiles to an unsuspecting college grad and assume that because they’re young, they’ll know how to get your company noticed on social. No. Wrong. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Social media, like every other one of its marketing counterparts, requires strategic thinking, planning, and execution. This means you can’t just throw up a bunch of posts consistently and hope it works. You need to apply the same marketing methodologies you'd use for any other channel, and apply it to your social strategy. That includes understanding your audience, writing great copy, understanding analytics, and more. Recommended Reading: How To Develop A Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) Know How to Generate Creative Campaign Concepts The last skill social media skill that should be in your portfolio is knowing how to generate creative campaign concepts. Campaigns are a considerable part of the social media presence your business creates. Because there is such a massive amount of content out there, you need to be as creative as possible to stand out. Take Arby’s for example. Their entire Facebook presence is dedicated to nerdy references reenacted by everything from curly fries to ketchup packets. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Posted by Arby's on Thursday, December 21, 2017 Think outside the box consistently and hopefully watch your social presence grow because of your creative efforts. Recommended Reading: How To Generate Data-Backed Social Media Campaign Ideas 24 Creative Social Media Campaign Examples to Boost Your Inspiration Social Campaigns: Simplify Your Social Promotion 9 Killer Content Marketing Skills You Need To Develop The content you create as a marketer can have a significant effect on your company. Which means that solid content marketing skills are highly sought after in today’s marketing climate. Here are nine skills that need to be a part of your portfolio. 9 Content Marketing Skills Every Marketer NeedsBeing Able to Write Clear Content That Informs The age of the internet means that there is a ton of information at everyone’s fingertips. Which means that your content needs to be able to stand out by doing one thing: Subtly sell your product  while still providing your reader with value that they can’t get anywhere else. A good marketer knows the balance between writing to sell and writing to inform. Recommended Reading: The 5 Skills You Need to Become a Successful Content Writer Master the Art Of Copywriting To Sell Unlike content writing, copywriting is all about selling. Mastering this form of writing means that you can craft copy that sells your product in a snap. It also doesn’t have to be written from scratch. Using the right formula can help you craft the perfect copy every time. It’s up to you to find the line that takes it from a standard boilerplate to selling machine. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting (or, Every Copywriting Formula Ever) Be A Storyteller People don’t buy logic; they buy emotions. As a content writer, you need to create copy that appeals to the emotional side of your readers. Your product may kill 99.5% of bacteria, but what sells it is the fact that they’ll be able to keep their family healthy and safe from germs or serious illnesses. As you write any content, find the way to connect your customer’s lives to your product. Play up the frustrations they are experiencing and tell them the story of how your product is going to make it all better. Recommended Reading: How To Use Your Blog To Tell A Story How To Write Like A Journalist To Be A Better Marketing Storyteller Know How to Use Your Content To Teach A skill we don’t usually associate with marketing should also be on your portfolio list; teaching. Can you teach with the content you create? This could be anything from teaching about how to use your product or a new concept (that just so happens to tie into your product). Take ’s blog for example. One of our core pillars is centered around actionability or going beyond giving advice and showing people how to execute it. Whether it’s a simple step by step video on how to use your product, or an in-depth explanation blog post, use your space to teach your audience want they need to know. Recommended Reading: 7 Ways to Make Your Content More Actionable Be Persuasive Part of being a good marketer involves being able to be persuasive. After all, there are hundreds of products that could help your customer with their problems. Your message needs to be able to persuade them that yours is the best option out there. Your messages should craft a clear and concise story that explains the benefits of your product and why you triumph over the rest. Recommended Reading: 58 Ways to Create Persuasive Content Your Audience Will Love Have Strong Research Skills One of the keys to writing great content is the ability to research. We’ve mentioned this a bit earlier in the post, and when it comes to content writing, research couldn’t be more critical. Writing content that is backed by well-researched opinions increases your own authority. It’s one thing if you write a post and haphazardly throw advice out there. It’s another thing entirely if you can back it up with another source that your readers trust. By researching your opinions, and backing them up with reputable sources you can show your readers that they can trust you. Once they trust you, they can trust your product. Recommended Reading: 10 Research-Based Tips for Writing Better Content Know How to Measure Your ROI â€Å"How much money did the post you just spent writing for 8 hours at 15 dollars an hour make me?† â€Å"I don’t know†, probably isn’t the answer they want to hear. Proving the return on investment that your content marketing has made isn’t easy. In fact, 78% of marketers struggle with it. There are, however, ways to find the data you’re looking for. It all comes down to writing content that encourages your readers to take a conversion step and finding a way to monetize those actions. Recommended Reading: This Is The MROI Formula Your Marketing Team Needs To Be Using Measure Marketing ROI: Proving Value When It Can’t Be Measured Be Well-Read Part of developing your content writing and marketing skills is reading what others around you have done. I’m not saying you need to consume every Game of Thrones novel in a week, but being well read across a variety of subjects not only helps increase your general knowledge, but you’ll also be able to see what works and doesn’t work when you write your content. Start small at first, maybe subscribe to a blog or two as you begin to integrate reading into your routine add in a variety of books, magazines and more. To stay on top of news or to find sources try tools like Feedly  or Flipboard. Or for those of you who don’t like to read as much, podcasts and videos are also great options. Recommended Reading: 10x Marketing Formula Have a Deep Understanding Of How The Marketing Funnel Works When content marketing is done well, it can help lead your potential customers through your marketing funnel and help them convert into paying customers. How does this work? You need to create content for every stage in your marketing funnel. The top part of your funnel will contain the most content and probably cover the broadest topics. You want to catch the attention of as many people as you can. As you work your way down the funnel, your content will become more specific, helping guide your readers to the logical conclusion that your product is the best one for them. Recommended Reading: Content and the Marketing Funnel 4 Analytics Skills That Are Essential For Any Marketer Data helps drive the entire marketing process. It helps you see if your efforts are working, track what your customers are interacting with and so much more. Analytics skills are essential for marketers because you need to be able to pull data and interpret it to give your marketing strategists the most accurate information as possible. Without data to guide you, it’s like driving blindfolded; you’re just guessing. Here are the four skills that should be a part of any marketer’s arsenal. 4 Analytics SKills That Are Essential For Any MarketerBe Able to Interpret Customer Data to Influence The Decision Making Process In case you haven’t already guessed your customers are what makes your world go round. What they do and interact with can prove the success (or failure) of your marketing strategies. It’s up to you to pull that data from those interactions and interpret what your customers are trying to tell you. Do they like seeing videos of your product in action or do they prefer screenshots in a blog post? Let your data guide you in the right direction. Recommended Reading: How to Drill Into Data to Extract Powerful Social Media Insights Know and Understand Data Science According to NYU  data science is: â€Å"Data science involves using automated methods to analyze massive amounts of data and to extract knowledge from them.† A skilled marketer needs to be able to find and sort through massive amounts of data to find the insights you’re looking for. If you collected data every time one of your potential customers does anything, you’d have thousands of data points to sort through. As a marketer you should know what you’re looking for, where to find it and how to interpret it for your boss and co-workers. Recommended Reading: Data Science is the Latest In-Demand Skill Set For Marketing Know How to Use Data to Tell a Story Numbers and data don’t lie. They tell you if you’ve met your goals or sorely missed them. However, you can’t just point to your data and say â€Å"see it worked.† I mean you could, but you don’t want to be subpar at your job, do you? Marketers need to know how to take the data that you’ve gathered and turn it into a story that explains what happened and why it happened in plain English. Your marketing campaigns could be massive, and data is great but when your boss turns to you and asks so why did this campaign work your answer should be more thorough than just â€Å"well we planned a really creative social campaign.† Recommended Reading: 3 Ways to Tell a Story With Your Data Understand Data Visualization The last need to have skill in your analytics tool belt is the ability to understand data visualization. Numbers and data points by themselves are boring. Not to mention they don’t jump out at you and say â€Å"hey I’m the most important one here.† Data visualization is a way for you to help your co-workers and boss, as well as your customers, understand the most significant bits and pieces of data in an easy to read format. These could be anything from infographics to charts. You just need to find a way to work with your designers (or you could do it yourself) to find a way to bring your data to life. Recommended Reading: The 38 Best Tools for Data Visualization 11 Technical Skills and Tools Every Marketer Needs Technical skills and tools make the final piece of our marketing skills blog post. Marketing and technology are becoming more and more intertwined mainly because a lot of the projects that you take on as a marketer can’t be completed without them. Between strategy planning, design and numerous things you need to execute, trying to attempt it all without a tool would be insane. There’s just too much to do. So here are eleven tools and technical skills every marketer should have. The 48 Most Essential Marketing Skills You Need to Be Successful As a marketer, you know the industry is continually changing. From fresh tactics to emerging trends, theres always something new  to  learn. So you jump on to Google and read the first page of results. And you see list after list of skills that marketers *should* have. It can be a bit overwhelming. So, weve done our best to narrow down the essentials. What weve come up with is a list of 48 foundational marketing skills we think are most important to build and develop. We’ve also included links to guides and resources to help you learn and implement each skill. Keep reading and see where you can fill in the gaps in your skillset. These Are The 48 Essential Marketing Skills You Need To Be Successful 2018Download The 11 Step Guide To Learning A New Skill Knowing how to learn is a skill in itself. But, its a skill anyone can master. By following the steps in this guide, youll learn how to: Get past the fear of failure. Develop an efficient and repeatable system for skill-building. Understand how to take on new tasks and succeed, even if youve never done something before. Get it free now, and use it to build any of the following 48 skills well cover in this post.Get your free guide on building #marketing skills from @:Introducing the Academy: Looking for insider marketing knowledge to improve your skills even further? Join the Academy now. Why Do You Need To Continually Develop Your Marketing Skills? If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times. The marketing world is evolving. If you can’t stay on top of the latest skills in the market, how can you expect to be successful? Your audience is constantly being bombarded with ads, messages, distractions and a whole lot more. You need the skills that will allow you to create marketing strategies that let your content stand out in a crowd. Here is the list of top skills marketers should consider keeping in their toolbox in 2018. Which marketing skills are most essential to posess? Start with these 48 from @.12 Basic Marketing Skills That Should Be On Every Marketer’s Resume Why focus on the basics? Shouldn’t you have those down by now? You might, but a brush up never hurt anyone. There’s also the fact that the what’s now considered a basic marketing skill may have changed from what it was ten years ago. Plus the basics are what build your foundation as a successful marketer. If they start to crumble the rest of your skill set will go right along with it. Here are the 12 basic skills that should be on every marketer’s resume. 12 Basic Marketing Skills That Should Be In Your WheelhouseThe Ability to Write Well Writing is the foundation of everything else that a marketer does. Without strong writing skills, everything else you do will falter. Writing comes into play whenever you’re creating ad copy, social media posts, press releases and so much more. You need to be able to comprehensively communicate your message at all times. Recommend Reading:   40 Content Writing Tips to Make You A Better Marketer Now Internal Communication Skills As a marketer, you’re not just communicating with your target audience. You’re communicating internally with your co-workers and boss as well. Keeping clear and consistent messaging within your marketing team means you can get more done and you don’t have to worry about another team member running a project off the rails. In addition to communicating with your co-workers, you also need to be able to talk to your boss and upper management. Can you explain your projects and anticipate the questions or concerns they’ll have in advance? Recommended Reading: 5 Tips To Create Effective Internal Communications With Your Team Interpersonal Communication Skills Interpersonal communication skills go hand in hand with internal communication skills. This particular skill set, however, is focused on how things are said not just what has been said. The reality of the situation is that we are all human and therefore we’re always communicating with each other whether we intend to or not. As a marketer, you need to be aware of the people around you and what you are intentionally or unintentionally saying at all times. Recommended Reading: Interpersonal Skills List and Examples Be A Confident Public Speaker Whether you’re standing up in front of your boss or client in the middle of a pitch meeting or you’re giving a live press conference, public speaking is inevitable. While that may have made you cringe in your high school speech class the fact of the matter is that as a marketer you need to be able to pitch your project or your product with ease. If you appear to have confidence in what you’re saying your audience will too. Recommended Reading: 5 Easy Ways to Become a Better Public Speaker Fast Maintain an Attitude of Lifelong Learning Another basic skill that should be on the resume of every marketer is maintaining the attitude of lifelong learning. As marketers, we’re always taking in new information whether that be a new advertising tactic or a research report that’s been published about our target audience. In other words, our job of learning new things is never done. The minute you close yourself off and think you know everything there is to know you’ll end up falling behind. So read every book you can get your hands on and listen to a podcast or two on your way to work. Recommended Reading: 10 Simple Ways To Engage In Lifelong Learning Be Type A Organized You wear many hats and balance many, many projects, which means that you need to be organized. Why? Because one misstep and $50,000 could fly out the window like that. Staying organized helps you avoid that because you and your marketing team members will be able to see what’s coming, plan in advance and side step massive mishaps. Recommended Reading: The Complete 16-Step Marketing Project Management Process That Will Get You Organized Know How To Set Goals 73% of CEOs  believe that marketers â€Å"lack business credibility and the ability to generate significant growth.† Ouch. That's because it’s easy to dismiss marketers as people in the corner drawing pretty pictures who don’t do anything. Yeah, I know. It makes my blood boil, too. So how do you solve all of that? You set goals that directly impact business objectives (that your company's CEO actually cares about). By creating goals that have a direct and positive impact on your business you can show your efforts  are paying off. Recommended Reading: How To Set SMART Marketing Goals Understand the Difference Between Goals, Strategies, and Tactics Let’s face it; goals, strategies,  and tactics go hand in hand when it comes to marketing, so it’s easy to confuse them with each other. However, being able to tell the distinction between the three is going to ensure you don’t get tripped up on one of them during your marketing process. Goals are the objectives that have been set by your marketing team that you need to meet by the end of a specified time period. Strategies are the organized plans that are composed of different tactics that outline how to reach your goals. Your tactics, on the other hand, are the steps that you take to help you achieve your goals. Recommended Reading: Understanding Goals, Strategy, Objectives And Tactics In The Age Of Social Be An Active Listener We all know that one person in our lives who is just waiting for their chance to speak in a conversation. What you’re saying is mostly going in one ear and out the other. As a marketer, you cannot afford to passively ignore your customers or your co-workers. Which is why being an active listener is an essential skill any marketer worth their salt knows how to do. Actively listening to the people around you means that you can find out the messages they need to hear. Doing this can help you perfect your campaigns and hopefully convert more people into paying customers. Recommended Reading: Active Listening: Hear What People are Really Saying Know How to Collaborate Across Multiple Teams Your marketing team doesn’t exist in a vacuum where it’s you vs. everyone else in your company. You need to be able to collaborate across multiple teams to complete your projects. This could mean working with developers, your video team, your product team, and more. All of that cross team collaboration means you need to know how to manage and communicate, so everyone who is involved in one project is always on the same page. Recommended Reading: 5 Ways to Improve Cross Team Collaboration Research Everything Marketing is part strategic intuition; part research to see what everyone else is doing. Successful marketers can research current trends and strategies and figure out which ones would work best for their company. There’s always new information out there for marketers to research and gather. Whether that be case studies, academic research reports or white papers, there are thousands of sources out there just waiting to inspire your next great idea. Recommended Reading: How To Boost Your Results With Original Research As A Marketing Tactic With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media Studios This Is The Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content To The Next Level Openness To Trying New Things The last basic skill that should be in a marketer’s tool belt is an openness to try new things. Part of marketing involves simply testing these new things to see if they’re going to work. You’ll never know if something is going to work or not unless you try. Who knows, maybe your next great marketing tactic is the one you haven’t tried yet. Recommended Reading: When, Where, and How to Test Market 6  Introductory Design Skills Every Marketer Should Have Graphic design or any design really is vital for marketers to understand. Why? Because design helps us communicate the message that we want to send to our audience. You may not be at the same level as the graphic designer on your team but having a basic grasp of necessary design skills can help you communicate what you need and pinpoint what worked and why. 6 Introductory Design Skills Marketers Should HaveUnderstand How Responsive Design Works With the addition of tablets, mobile phones, and more, the way we access information is changing. The standard one size fits all website no longer applies because there are tons of different screen sizes out there. That’s where responsive design comes in. As a marketer, you need to understand how your message will look across a variety of different formats and ensure that it communicates the same idea. Recommended Reading: Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design Grasp the Basics of Adobe Creative Suite Adobe is well known for their design products. Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator are just three of the tools that can help bring the images inside your head to life in an online format. Having a basic understanding of how those two programs work can help you and your designer save time. How? If you need a social media graphic that has to go out in 20 minutes, you can now do it yourself. It’s also nice to have an idea of the limitations this type of software might have so you can know what to expect when requesting something from your designers. Recommended Reading: Creative Cloud Tutorials Knowing How UX and UI Plays a Role In Your Customer Interaction The way you’ve designed your website and the experience your customer has interacting with it can affect the way they see your marketing messages. Knowing how your customers move and interact through with your content will allow you to strategically place your messages in the right place and the right time to maximize conversion potential. Recommended Reading: 5 Big Differences Between UX And UI Design Keep Common  Design Specs and Sizes On Hand You’re probably going to request a lot of designed content over the course of your career. This could be anything from social media ads to long infographics. Make it easier for your designer by having common design sizes and specs on hand at all times. Not only will this save them time in guessing the size of the images you need, you’ll also know how much space you have to work with. Some standard sizes to add to your list could be: Social media photo sizes Social media profile picture sizes Social ad sizes and specs Preferred infographics sizes Recommended Reading: The Best Guide to Social Media Image Sizes Every Marketer Needs Know How To Communicate Visualization Needs to Your Designer No one can read your mind. Thank goodness, right? Here’s the problem, since no one can read your mind, how are they supposed to be able to see the impressive idea you have for your next infographic? The truth is they can’t, and an excellent skill for marketers to have is to be able to communicate with their designers about the vision they see inside their head. Can you explain expectations and details to your designer in a way that helps guide them to create the piece you’ve pictured? Recommended Reading: How to Communicate Effectively with Designers Understanding The Basic Principles of Graphic Design The final skill that any marketer should have on their resume is the ability to understand the basic principles of design. Knowing what makes a successful image can help you identify what’s connecting with your audience. Concepts like: Color Theory Composition Theory Typography And more can help you identify what makes a design tremendous and what caught the attention of your audience. Recommended Reading: 8 Principles of Design to Help You Create Awesome Graphics 6 Social Media Skills To Add To Your Resume Social media is the latest and greatest addition to the marketing world. Which means that marketers need a specific set of skills to stand out in this new landscape. If you don’t stay on top of your skills and techniques, there’s a good chance your content will be buried in an avalanche of other stuff. End of story. The following are six simple skills you should have a grasp on. 6 Social Media Skills For MarketersKnow How to Write For Each Social Channel Not all social media messages are created equal. What works for one channel may not go over as well on another. For example, hashtags are great when they’re used on Twitter and Instagram, but they don’t do much for Facebook posts. Knowing the differences between the message types that need to go on each channel can help your content stand out in a sea of other stuff. Recommended Reading: How To Write The Best Social Media Posts [Backed By 6,399,322 Messages + 11 Studies] Have a Decent Amount of Social Media Algorithm Knowledge Social media algorithms are intelligent systems that sort through content and showcase what it believes the user would most likely want to see based on interactions from previous content. These algorithms can’t be tricked or fooled. You can’t post your content and then try and trick the algorithm into showing it to more of you fans. Well, you could, but that’s going to backfire on you sooner rather than later. Algorithms are the social networks way of telling you what content they want to see posted to their newsfeeds. After all you are advertising and posting content on someone else’s turf. For example, live video is going over well on Facebook. Therefore it would make sense to assume that the Facebook algorithm rewards live video content. If you want to boost your presence on Facebook, you could consider creating more live videos. Recommended Reading: How Do Social Media Algorithms Affect You Be Able to Keep Up With Social Trends and Ideas The social media landscape changes at an incredibly fast pace. The minute you’ve got something down, something new surfaces and you’re off to the races again. A proficient social media marketer (and marketer in general) can keep up with those changes by continually thinking ahead and keeping their social strategy head on a metaphorical swivel. Maximize those trends before they hit their peak and get ready to move on to the next one. Recommended Reading: Social Media Trends Change Quickly. This 6-Step Guide Will Help You Keep Up Being Disciplined to Not Chase After Every New Network Social media networks appear and disappear. A new one may surface, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be the next Facebook or Twitter. As a marketer it’s up to you to decide whether or not joining a new network is best for your business. Just because Pinterest works for one company doesn’t mean it will work for you. You need to follow your audience and let them lead you to where they are. Recommended Reading: How to Create the Best Documented Social Media Marketing Strategy In Eight Steps Understand Marketing Strategy (And How to Apply It to Social Media) A skill that marketers must have is being able to see and understand the marketing strategy that goes into creating a social media presence. Don’t just chuck your social media profiles to an unsuspecting college grad and assume that because they’re young, they’ll know how to get your company noticed on social. No. Wrong. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Social media, like every other one of its marketing counterparts, requires strategic thinking, planning, and execution. This means you can’t just throw up a bunch of posts consistently and hope it works. You need to apply the same marketing methodologies you'd use for any other channel, and apply it to your social strategy. That includes understanding your audience, writing great copy, understanding analytics, and more. Recommended Reading: How To Develop A Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) Know How to Generate Creative Campaign Concepts The last skill social media skill that should be in your portfolio is knowing how to generate creative campaign concepts. Campaigns are a considerable part of the social media presence your business creates. Because there is such a massive amount of content out there, you need to be as creative as possible to stand out. Take Arby’s for example. Their entire Facebook presence is dedicated to nerdy references reenacted by everything from curly fries to ketchup packets. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Posted by Arby's on Thursday, December 21, 2017 Think outside the box consistently and hopefully watch your social presence grow because of your creative efforts. Recommended Reading: How To Generate Data-Backed Social Media Campaign Ideas 24 Creative Social Media Campaign Examples to Boost Your Inspiration Social Campaigns: Simplify Your Social Promotion 9 Killer Content Marketing Skills You Need To Develop The content you create as a marketer can have a significant effect on your company. Which means that solid content marketing skills are highly sought after in today’s marketing climate. Here are nine skills that need to be a part of your portfolio. 9 Content Marketing Skills Every Marketer NeedsBeing Able to Write Clear Content That Informs The age of the internet means that there is a ton of information at everyone’s fingertips. Which means that your content needs to be able to stand out by doing one thing: Subtly sell your product  while still providing your reader with value that they can’t get anywhere else. A good marketer knows the balance between writing to sell and writing to inform. Recommended Reading: The 5 Skills You Need to Become a Successful Content Writer Master the Art Of Copywriting To Sell Unlike content writing, copywriting is all about selling. Mastering this form of writing means that you can craft copy that sells your product in a snap. It also doesn’t have to be written from scratch. Using the right formula can help you craft the perfect copy every time. It’s up to you to find the line that takes it from a standard boilerplate to selling machine. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting (or, Every Copywriting Formula Ever) Be A Storyteller People don’t buy logic; they buy emotions. As a content writer, you need to create copy that appeals to the emotional side of your readers. Your product may kill 99.5% of bacteria, but what sells it is the fact that they’ll be able to keep their family healthy and safe from germs or serious illnesses. As you write any content, find the way to connect your customer’s lives to your product. Play up the frustrations they are experiencing and tell them the story of how your product is going to make it all better. Recommended Reading: How To Use Your Blog To Tell A Story How To Write Like A Journalist To Be A Better Marketing Storyteller Know How to Use Your Content To Teach A skill we don’t usually associate with marketing should also be on your portfolio list; teaching. Can you teach with the content you create? This could be anything from teaching about how to use your product or a new concept (that just so happens to tie into your product). Take ’s blog for example. One of our core pillars is centered around actionability or going beyond giving advice and showing people how to execute it. Whether it’s a simple step by step video on how to use your product, or an in-depth explanation blog post, use your space to teach your audience want they need to know. Recommended Reading: 7 Ways to Make Your Content More Actionable Be Persuasive Part of being a good marketer involves being able to be persuasive. After all, there are hundreds of products that could help your customer with their problems. Your message needs to be able to persuade them that yours is the best option out there. Your messages should craft a clear and concise story that explains the benefits of your product and why you triumph over the rest. Recommended Reading: 58 Ways to Create Persuasive Content Your Audience Will Love Have Strong Research Skills One of the keys to writing great content is the ability to research. We’ve mentioned this a bit earlier in the post, and when it comes to content writing, research couldn’t be more critical. Writing content that is backed by well-researched opinions increases your own authority. It’s one thing if you write a post and haphazardly throw advice out there. It’s another thing entirely if you can back it up with another source that your readers trust. By researching your opinions, and backing them up with reputable sources you can show your readers that they can trust you. Once they trust you, they can trust your product. Recommended Reading: 10 Research-Based Tips for Writing Better Content Know How to Measure Your ROI â€Å"How much money did the post you just spent writing for 8 hours at 15 dollars an hour make me?† â€Å"I don’t know†, probably isn’t the answer they want to hear. Proving the return on investment that your content marketing has made isn’t easy. In fact, 78% of marketers struggle with it. There are, however, ways to find the data you’re looking for. It all comes down to writing content that encourages your readers to take a conversion step and finding a way to monetize those actions. Recommended Reading: This Is The MROI Formula Your Marketing Team Needs To Be Using Measure Marketing ROI: Proving Value When It Can’t Be Measured Be Well-Read Part of developing your content writing and marketing skills is reading what others around you have done. I’m not saying you need to consume every Game of Thrones novel in a week, but being well read across a variety of subjects not only helps increase your general knowledge, but you’ll also be able to see what works and doesn’t work when you write your content. Start small at first, maybe subscribe to a blog or two as you begin to integrate reading into your routine add in a variety of books, magazines and more. To stay on top of news or to find sources try tools like Feedly  or Flipboard. Or for those of you who don’t like to read as much, podcasts and videos are also great options. Recommended Reading: 10x Marketing Formula Have a Deep Understanding Of How The Marketing Funnel Works When content marketing is done well, it can help lead your potential customers through your marketing funnel and help them convert into paying customers. How does this work? You need to create content for every stage in your marketing funnel. The top part of your funnel will contain the most content and probably cover the broadest topics. You want to catch the attention of as many people as you can. As you work your way down the funnel, your content will become more specific, helping guide your readers to the logical conclusion that your product is the best one for them. Recommended Reading: Content and the Marketing Funnel 4 Analytics Skills That Are Essential For Any Marketer Data helps drive the entire marketing process. It helps you see if your efforts are working, track what your customers are interacting with and so much more. Analytics skills are essential for marketers because you need to be able to pull data and interpret it to give your marketing strategists the most accurate information as possible. Without data to guide you, it’s like driving blindfolded; you’re just guessing. Here are the four skills that should be a part of any marketer’s arsenal. 4 Analytics SKills That Are Essential For Any MarketerBe Able to Interpret Customer Data to Influence The Decision Making Process In case you haven’t already guessed your customers are what makes your world go round. What they do and interact with can prove the success (or failure) of your marketing strategies. It’s up to you to pull that data from those interactions and interpret what your customers are trying to tell you. Do they like seeing videos of your product in action or do they prefer screenshots in a blog post? Let your data guide you in the right direction. Recommended Reading: How to Drill Into Data to Extract Powerful Social Media Insights Know and Understand Data Science According to NYU  data science is: â€Å"Data science involves using automated methods to analyze massive amounts of data and to extract knowledge from them.† A skilled marketer needs to be able to find and sort through massive amounts of data to find the insights you’re looking for. If you collected data every time one of your potential customers does anything, you’d have thousands of data points to sort through. As a marketer you should know what you’re looking for, where to find it and how to interpret it for your boss and co-workers. Recommended Reading: Data Science is the Latest In-Demand Skill Set For Marketing Know How to Use Data to Tell a Story Numbers and data don’t lie. They tell you if you’ve met your goals or sorely missed them. However, you can’t just point to your data and say â€Å"see it worked.† I mean you could, but you don’t want to be subpar at your job, do you? Marketers need to know how to take the data that you’ve gathered and turn it into a story that explains what happened and why it happened in plain English. Your marketing campaigns could be massive, and data is great but when your boss turns to you and asks so why did this campaign work your answer should be more thorough than just â€Å"well we planned a really creative social campaign.† Recommended Reading: 3 Ways to Tell a Story With Your Data Understand Data Visualization The last need to have skill in your analytics tool belt is the ability to understand data visualization. Numbers and data points by themselves are boring. Not to mention they don’t jump out at you and say â€Å"hey I’m the most important one here.† Data visualization is a way for you to help your co-workers and boss, as well as your customers, understand the most significant bits and pieces of data in an easy to read format. These could be anything from infographics to charts. You just need to find a way to work with your designers (or you could do it yourself) to find a way to bring your data to life. Recommended Reading: The 38 Best Tools for Data Visualization 11 Technical Skills and Tools Every Marketer Needs Technical skills and tools make the final piece of our marketing skills blog post. Marketing and technology are becoming more and more intertwined mainly because a lot of the projects that you take on as a marketer can’t be completed without them. Between strategy planning, design and numerous things you need to execute, trying to attempt it all without a tool would be insane. There’s just too much to do. So here are eleven tools and technical skills every marketer should have.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Answer the exam Qs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Answer the exam Qs - Essay Example However, the power inequality acceptance varies between different cultures in the society (Varma & Budhwar, 2015). Individualism measures the basic interest sort by the members. In a society which is highly individualistic, the members are mainly concerned with their families’ interests (Varma & Budhwar, 2015). Contrary, members from the collective society seek to achieve more favor and loyalty from their groups. Uncertainty avoidance measures the unpredictable, unstructured and unclear situations faced by members. A high uncertainty-avoidance society is less aggressive, change intolerant, high security seeking; and vice versa in low uncertainty-avoidance society (Varma & Budhwar, 2015). Through the increase in globalization, there have been growing trends in the multinational and global business endeavors. Globalization as well as the varied cultures in different countries has resulted to the challenge of business competitiveness. Other issues include balancing between the head-quarter and the home based cultures, maintaining performance standards and productive inter-collaboration between units in the operating locations (Varma & Budhwar, 2015). According to Edgar Schein 1994 OC are the values instituted into a social group which are then passed to new members so as they can feel, see and think in response to problems (Varma & Budhwar, 2015). OC should be perceived as both pluralistic and holistic so as to shape the internal assumptions of the social group. OC is classified under 2 schools of thought where in the first, it’s seen as a variable where it can be introduced and manipulated by the organization. The second school of thought provides that OC is a situation the company finds itself in, caused by the complex and dynamic social interactions by the organization (Varma & Budhwar, 2015). Culture influences employees’ communication, the company’s products, goals and values as well as interactions with its customers and other organizations.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Theories of Democracy - Against Human Rights Essay - 2

Theories of Democracy - Against Human Rights - Essay Example Even wars on the basis of humanitarian grounds should be avoided to prevent loss of lives and the absence of cultural relativism in some of the nations that are known to endure the set ideas and principles of different regions. According to Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek, human rights are defined as exercising the freedom to choose any given thing without violating the freedom rights of others, even if it means defying war. Interestingly, Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek is supportive of humanitarian interventions only so far as they are found protecting and assisting human life. Even though he is not very excited about humanitarian interference in general, he feels that such interventions should be safeguarded. Irrespective of the beliefs of the people in a particular nation, their lives must be protected and supported in terms of its concepts and standards. A true democracy will always stand out in its ability to defend its citizens. Freedom and Democracy are significant rights, mentioned by the writer, should be implemented even at home in a nation that supports such rights. It is important to note that there is nothing universal about â€Å"right.† There is more than one way to getting things done and this is evident in the varied cultural perspectives, distinct world features, unique rituals and cultural identifications. Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek points out that it is wrong to overlook the differences unique to varied races. A lot of unrest and conflicts in the world arise when nations try to impose their way of acting on other nations and this, in turn, produces war rather than peace. Intolerance towards other people’s viewpoints is the main damaging force that corrupts nations.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Business in India Essay Example for Free

Business in India Essay In order to do business in India, it is necessary ensure that the business is set under the required procedures and regulations of industrial undertaking.   The goods to be manufactured should fall within licensed, relicensed or small scale sector.   A license allows a company to use the property of the licensor.   The properties could either be intangible items like trademarks, patent rights and production techniques. To get the license, one is required to fill an application with the Ministry of Industry. Starting a company in India for the aforesaid involves assessing the commercial opportunity for self, managing business, obtaining legal requirements, money, business premises, obtaining workers and developing the marketing schemes for the products to be produced and the services to be offered. In this case Roger Smith at Prime Pumps has suggested that Maddock Inc and Governor Inc enter the Indian market as a joint venture.   It will be a great idea to take since a joint venture business has the advantage of sharing risks, sharing of technology to increase and improve production and it is possible to conform to government’s regulations.   Also, in a joint venture business internationally, there are quick political connections and distribution channels. Having done business together, it means that the two business associates will experience the converging of their strategic goals while diverging their competitive goal.   In this they will only operate to improve their business by influencing market power and learning from one another while restraining admittance to their personal proprietary skills. Advantages of early entry into a foreign market The company enjoys monopoly since there could be no other companies producing the same products. This increases the profits and hence the company can expand its operations in a very short time limit. A company enjoys reduced labor cost as there are no other firms to compete with in determining wage packages.   The workers will not have options to choose which companies to work for in regard to the pay accorded. Ability to secure a wide market in the absence of other competing companies hence increased sales will be experienced. Disadvantages of early entry into a foreign market Lack of competition could lead to poor production quality of goods or services that a company is dealing with. Poor quality goods could pose a health hazard situation to the consumer and this could also lead to a crisis in the economy A company might not have the power to confront the government when its operating alone in a foreign market pertaining the rights of foreign companies and this could cause oppression on the side of the company for lack of bargaining power. Peter should be careful to consider what the targets are for the business to be set up in India, where to locate the business and the manner in which it should be established.   He should outline how ready is the business to give back to the community in terms of employing the local citizens in India, producing quality services and products.   They should also investigate and learn the interests and requirements of the people of India and provide possible solutions to the same. Peter will have to estimate the potential correctly to avoid underestimation of India’s complexity or overestimation of the probabilities in India. Overestimation or Underestimation may lead to failure and it is necessary to give a due consideration to the factor of the inherent difficulties and uncertainties of operating in the Indian system.   It is worth noting that India is has a large economy in the world and it offers high prospects for development in practically all areas of business. Also the inefficient bureaucracy of the Indian government is moving slowly which calls for reforms. Since Melanie has limited knowledge regarding international law, it will not be appropriate for Peter to share with her what other companions have suggested because she might not even understand.   Lack of knowledge on international law means that Melanie will not have an idea of how to deal with any occurrence in the international field. Conclusion For a business to thrive in a foreign country, the owners should ensure that they comply with federal regulations so that there will be a smooth running of the business without disturbance from the local authorities.   For the joint venture business, the partners should sign up the partnership deed to ensure they conduct themselves as per the requirements. It is important that individual also have a general knowledge of international law and business operations to avoid any inconveniences.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What is an Organ Broker? :: Transplants Health Medicine Crime Essays

What is an Organ Broker? A poor man is desperate to make money to feed his family in an undeveloped country. A rich man is sick and needs a kidney transplant in order to survive. He is willing to pay whatever it takes to save his life. A greedy man acts as a middleman, or broker, between the two men and goes home with a profit of thousands of dollars. Organ brokers are most common for organizing kidney transplants and other non-essential organs. However, occasionally organ brokers will bribe the family of a deceased for essential organs such as heart and liver. The ethical question Is the broker being benevolent by making a match to save someone’s life, or is the broker disobeying an ethical code by bribing the poor man for his kidney and charging the rich man to save his own life so that the broker profits? Making a match For a broker to make any money at all, he must first make a match between a willing donor and a needy, rich recipient. The most common organ brokering is for kidneys. Due to the laws in the United States and other highly developed countries, brokering organs is extremely rare. Brokers typically seek out the impoverished in undeveloped countries not only for their willingness to do anything for a small sum of money, but also for the lack of legal regulations and enforcement. After a broker has found a willing donor, tests are run to determine the blood type and specific organ characteristics. A broker will then make a list of his potential donors and their test results. Next a needy recipient must be found and matched with an organ on the list. When a match is found, the donor is contacted and brought to the operation location—typically in a host country where the operation can be done â€Å"behind closed doors† or without being noticed. In the end, the donor goes home with a small sum of money, the recipient is out hundreds of thousands of dollars and the broker and doctor profit greatly, regardless of the operation being a success or failure. Dealing with the ethical issues Under what circumstances do we decide whether it is just to save another human being’s life? Health professionals that question the standards of the brokers fuel the ethical debate.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alternative Energy and Canadian Solar

The company we are focusing on is Canadian Solar. They are a multinational firm that operates in several countries such as â€Å"Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Australia and the United States†. They are a leader in the solar energy industry. A detailed PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) analysis will be provided on how these elements affect the company. There are various political regulations and by-laws passed by the Canadian government to help regulate proper practices of using and installing solar energy. These regulations affect Canadian Solar and their practices.For instance, in the 1970s and 1980s there were a large number of solar panels installed that were not installed properly because they were added by unqualified people. Today there are strict regulations on getting the permission to install solar energy panels which protect land owners from liabilities. Permits must be attained from the government. This regulation protects Canadian Solar from any lawsuits from poor quality installation of solar panels or any damage to their customers’ property. This also helps them meet a certain standard of excellence to help their image and their customers.From 2007 to 2012 the world suffered a global recession. Canada was affected by it but not as severely as other countries worldwide. Economists say we are not in a recession but many Canadians believe otherwise. Although real GDP is adjusted for inflation, it is not for the growing population. This means â€Å"a country’s economy can be growing simply because the population is rising, and Canada’s population increases one percent a year†, which is misleading and does not tell the actual condition of the country.. This has affected Canadian Solar as well. Although they made a net profit in 2011, they made a net loss in its first quarter of 2012.Canadian Solar operates in other countries as well which were affected by the recession. For example, i n late 2007 China was affected by the recession, where their economy â€Å"plummeted by [forty] percent†. However, in 2012 Canadian Solar and Ningxia State Power, a Chinese based solar energy company, had completed a major project. This would help China â€Å"reduce CO2 emissions by 18, 900 tons annually – the equivalent of saving 5,200 tons of standard coal. † So although China was affected, companies are still progressing towards a healthier alternative of energy resource. Many Canadians believe solar energy is an excellent resource of energy.An advantage of using solar energy is there is no green house emissions and is friendly to the environment. However, onlyfifteen percent of sunlight is converted into energy which is not efficient for the amount it costs to install them. Although society agrees that solar energy is a healthy alternative to current resource of energy, it is very costly and inefficient. This affects Canadian Solar because depending on how s ociety feels. If the environment deteriorates much quicker than it is already, people will invest more in solar panels as a way to help the environment.If they do not care or feel the investment is not worth it, they will not buy. This affects the overall growth and stability of Canadian Solar. There has been much technological advancement in solar panels. The first solar panel was created by Charles Fritts in 1883 but could only convert less than one percent of sunlight into energy. . By 1954 a solar panel that could convert six percent of sunlight was created.. In the modern day Canadian Solar has made panels which can convert up to eighteen percent of sunlight into energy.The technological advancements have steadily improved in the solar energy industry and Canadian Solar is continuing to research and develop new ways to convert energy more efficiently. Encompassing Stakeholder map Government – Legislation is a key stakeholder interest for the company. Certain legislation can hurt or promote an industry which affects the companies within it. For example, in Ontario the provincial government passed the â€Å"Green Energy and Green Economy Act† which promotes the use of clean energy and promotes jobs. However, there is a lack of the right to light within Canada which affects those who want to use solar panels.This will be explained later. Employees – Employees want job security when working within an organization. Employees are an important stakeholder because they can affect the production and image of an organization, and at the same time are affected by the progress or deterioration of a company. If the organization is doing poorly that can affect the employees job security. Owners – Owners have an interest in the success of the company. These owners could be shareholders who have invested their money into the company in hopes of a positive return. Without their investments, these public companies have a lack of capital funding. Without proper decision making by management, these shareholders could lose everything they invested. Consumers – Customers are the foundation of businesses. Without them, a business cannot exist. Customers care about various things like customer service quality and the quality of the company’s product. If the product does not meet the standard of customers, they will not buy the product. Community – The community cares about environment and how solar energy will affect them. They want to make sure the product they are buying does not harm the environment and can be used to effectively harness sunlight as a form of energy.Specific Stakeholder Position Analysis The CEO of Canadian Solar is Dr. Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu. As CEO he holds several responsibilities and duties. He is considered the image of the company to both shareholders and the general public. If there are any disasters or public relation issues the media, stakeholders and general public will look to him f or answers. Although there are high ranking officials within the company to handle any public relation issues, it is up to him regarding where the company is heading towards.The decisions he makes can affect the company and other stakeholders who have stakes in the company. If Canadian Solar announces a major project which is long term and fails, the pressure is on the CEO. If the financial status of the company is poor, it concerns shareholders and they want to know why the company is failing. These responsibilities fall upon the CEO and it is up to him to determine whether certain projects are viable in the long term and how his decisions affect everyone around him.The federal and provincial governments are also stakeholders in the solar energy industry. The legislation they pass can hurt or harm the solar energy industry like Canadian Solar. There are various legal issues that come with harnessing sunlight as a form of energy. For example, in Canada there is no right to light. Al though you may have a solar panel installed around your home, you legally do not have the right to light. For example, a man in Ottawa installed a solar panel but â€Å"is now under threat from a near-by five-storey condo development†.This means that he cannot do anything to stop the construction of the condominium regarding his solar panel because there is no law for it in Canada. The lack of a right to light in Canada can affect many people who want to use solar energy as a source of energy but cannot because of obstacles like this. However the provincial government is making an effort to help encourage the use of alternative energy resources. On May 14, 2009 the Ontario government passed the â€Å"Green Energy and Green Economy Act† which encourages the use of â€Å"clean and renewable energy resources such as solar energy† and to create more jobs.The provincial government of Ontario has been trying to encourage the use of solar energy by passing legislation that helps promote the use of renewable, clean energy and promoting jobs at the same time. Customers are essential to the overall growth and long term development of companies. They are important stakeholders because companies depend on them in order to operate. In the solar industry, customers need to know that the product they buy is ethical, efficient and has quality.Customers are the foundation of companies and they make an overall impact on the organization. If boycotting occurs that would be a public relations disaster for them and can affect multiple things such as market share value and profits of an organization. They demand high quality, ethical and efficient goods. Customers believe solar energy is an excellent source of energy however because of the costs related to it and the lack of energy conversion. The industry needs to continuously try to improve their product in order to attract a larger market.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Way Home: A Film Review

The film entitled â€Å"The Way Home† is a Korean film released in 2002 directed by Lee Jung-hyang and written by Lee Jung-hyang. It was produced by Whang Woo-hyun and Whang Jae-woo and was released on November 15, 2002 by Paramount Classics. The film revolves on the story of a young boy and his grandmother who struggles to fight the differences between them. It is a great film that deals with gerontology and how the aging process affects the lives of every individual.In the film, Sang-woo's mother needs to leave him under the care of his old grandmother because she needs to find a job for them to survive. However, Sang-woo's grandmother is deaf and mute which makes the situation hard for him. Living with his grandmother is really against his will because for Sang-woo, a guardian like his grandmother who has speaking and hearing disabilities is like living in hell. He cannot accept the fact about his grandmother's situation and badly calls her a â€Å"retard.†Frustratio n and depression consume him because he was accustomed to the city way of life. Living in the country side is far different from his previous home where electricity and technology are part of everyday life. He ignores all his grandmother's efforts for him and continues playing with his toys that he brought along with him.On the other hand, his grandmother patiently does everything for his bratty grandson. She persistently cooks meals for him, washes his clothes, and gives the best that she can to for him. Unfortunately, Sang-woo returns her kindness with rejection of the traditional meals that she serves and prefers Kentucky Fried Chicken, Spam and cola over her meals. There was a scene in the movie where he stole his grandmother's ornamental pin to buy batteries for his video game.He was expecting to receive the wrath and punishment of his grandmother, but when he arrived home, he saw his worried grandmother who was waiting for him to come back from finding batteries. Nonetheless, he got her hairpin for nothing as it did not provide him with any batteries since the rural village did not have the right size batteries for his toy. Many scenes in the film show how ruthless Sang-woo is to his grandmother.His misbehavior comes to an end when his poor grandmother gets sick which makes him realize his mistakes. Suddenly, he is not the selfish brat he was. He assumes the responsibility of taking care of his ill grandmother. His grandmother's efforts and unconditional love for him pays off when she makes his grandson feel the true meaning of home. He received love and affection from a woman who cannot speak and hear but can show him the true meaning of life.When his mother returns to fetch him and bring him back to the city, the love and kindness of Sang-woo’s grandmother make it hard for Sang-woo to leave her. Still, he needs to come with his mother so he taught his grandmother how to write for them to keep in touch. The Way Home is a heartwarming film that be st describes sacrificial and unconditional love from an individual who is in her later life.The study of gerontology involves the observation of people as they grow old and experience changes physically, psychologically, and socially. This film is suitable for a gerontology class because it gives students the chance to view what it is like to be old and how relationship of the old with the younger generation is affected. There are many changes during late adulthood, just like the case of Sang-woo's grandmother in the film. It does not only describe what an older adult experiences but it also shows how a person should deal with these changes.What I like most about the film is the scene where Sang-woo's grandmother got sick. This is because I was able to understand how hard it is to get old and how much care and attention are needed when a person gets old and sick. The Way Home is a film that encompasses many discoveries about every individual's life: sacrifices, changes and love.Refe rence:The Way Home (2008). The Way Home Website. Retrieved, March 7, 2008 from:http://web.archive.org/web/20040417071111/www.paramountclassics.com/wayhome/  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   story.htmlWhang, W.H., Whang, J.W. (Producer) ; Lee, J.H. (Director). (2002). The Way Home. [MotionPicture] Korea: Paramount Classics.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Leopold and Loebâ€Murder Just for the Thrill of It

Leopold and Loeb- Murder Just for the Thrill of It On May 21, 1924, two brilliant, wealthy, Chicago teenagers attempted to commit the perfect crime just for the thrill of it. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb kidnapped 14-year-old Bobby Franks, bludgeoned him to death in a rented car, and then dumped Franks body in a distant culvert. Although they thought their plan was foolproof, Leopold and Loeb made a number of mistakes that led police right to them. The subsequent trial, featuring famous attorney Clarence Darrow, made headlines and was often referred to as the trial of the century. Who Were Leopold and Loeb? Nathan Leopold was brilliant. He had an IQ of over 200 and excelled at school. By age 19, Leopold had already graduated from college and was in law school. Leopold was also fascinated with birds and was considered an accomplished ornithologist. However, despite being brilliant, Leopold was very awkward socially. Richard Loeb was also very intelligent, but not to the same caliber as Leopold. Loeb, who had been pushed and guided by a strict governess, had also been sent to college at a young age. However, once there, Loeb did not excel; instead, he gambled and drank. Unlike Leopold, Loeb was considered very attractive and had impeccable social skills. It was at college that Leopold and Loeb became close friends. Their relationship was both stormy and intimate. Leopold was obsessed with the attractive Loeb. Loeb, on the other hand, liked having a loyal companion on his risky adventures. The two teenagers, who had become both friends and lovers, soon began committing small acts of theft, vandalism, and arson. Eventually, the two decided to plan and commit the perfect crime. Planning the Murder It is debated as to whether it was Leopold or Loeb who first suggested they commit the perfect crime, but most believe it was Loeb. No matter who suggested it, both boys participated in the planning of it. The plan was simple: rent a car under an assumed name, find a wealthy victim (preferably a boy since girls were more closely watched), kill him in the car with a chisel, then dump the body in a culvert. Even though the victim was to be killed immediately, Leopold and Loeb planned on extracting a ransom from the victims family. The victims family would receive a letter instructing them to pay $10,000 in old bills, which they would later be asked to throw from a moving train. Interestingly, Leopold and Loeb spent a lot more time on figuring out how to retrieve the ransom than on who their victim was to be. After considering a number of specific people to be their victim, including their own fathers, Leopold and Loeb decided to leave the choice of victim up to chance and circumstance. The Murder On May 21, 1924, Leopold and Loeb were ready to put their plan into action. After renting a Willys-Knight automobile and covering its license plate, Leopold and Loeb needed a victim. Around 5 oclock, Leopold and Loeb spotted 14-year-old Bobby Franks, who was walking home from school. Loeb, who knew Bobby Franks because he was both a neighbor and a distant cousin, lured Franks into the car by asking Franks to discuss a new tennis racket (Franks loved to play tennis). Once Franks had climbed into the front seat of the car, the car took off. Within minutes, Franks was struck several times in the head with a chisel, dragged from the front seat into the back, and then had a cloth shoved down his throat. Lying limply on the floor of the back seat, covered with a rug, Franks died from suffocation. (It is believed that Leopold was driving and Loeb was in the back seat and was thus the actual killer, but this remains uncertain.) Dumping the Body As Franks lay dying or dead in the backseat, Leopold and Loeb drove toward a hidden culvert in the marshlands near Wolf Lake, a location known to Leopold because of his birding expeditions. On the way, Leopold and Loeb stopped twice. Once to strip Franks body of clothing and another time to buy dinner. Once it was dark, Leopold and Loeb found the culvert, shoved Franks body inside the drainage pipe and poured hydrochloric acid on Franks face and genitals to obscure the bodys identity. On their way home, Leopold and Loeb stopped to call the Franks home that night to tell the family that Bobby had been kidnapped. They also mailed the ransom letter. They thought they had committed the perfect murder. Little did they know that by the morning, Bobby Franks body had already been discovered and the police were quickly on the way to discovering his murderers. Mistakes and Arrest Despite having spent at least six months planning this perfect crime, Leopold and Loeb made a lot of mistakes. The first of which was the disposal of the body. Leopold and Loeb thought that the culvert would keep the body hidden until it had been reduced to a skeleton. However, on that dark night, Leopold and Loeb didnt realize that they had placed Franks body with the feet sticking out of the drainage pipe. The following morning, the body was discovered and quickly identified. With the body found, the police now had a location to start searching. Near the culvert, the police found a pair of glasses, which turned out to be specific enough to be traced back to Leopold. When confronted about the glasses, Leopold explained that the glasses must have fallen out of his jacket when he fell during a birding excavation. Although Leopolds explanation was plausible, the police continued to look into Leopolds whereabouts. Leopold said he had spent the day with Loeb. It didnt take long for Leopold and Loebs alibis to break down. It was discovered that Leopolds car, which they had said they had driven around all day in, had been actually been at home all day. Leopolds chauffeur had been fixing it. On May 31, just ten days after the murder, both 18-year-old Loeb and 19-year-old Leopold confessed to the murder. Leopold and Loebs Trial The young age of the victim, the brutality of the crime, the wealth of the participants, and the confessions, all made this murder front page news. With the public decidedly against the boys and an extremely large amount of evidence tying the boys to the murder, it was almost certain that Leopold and Loeb were going to receive the death penalty. Fearing for his nephews life, Loebs uncle went to famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow (who would later participate in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial) and begged him to take the case. Darrow was not asked to free the boys, for they were surely guilty; instead, Darrow was asked to save the boys lives by getting them life sentences rather than the death penalty. Darrow, a long-time advocate against the death penalty, took the case. On July 21, 1924, the trial against Leopold and Loeb began. Most people thought Darrow would plead them not guilty by reason of insanity, but in a surprising last-minute twist, Darrow had them plead guilty. With Leopold and Loeb pleading guilty, the trial would no longer require a jury because it would become a sentencing trial. Darrow believed that it would be harder for one man to live with the decision to hang Leopold and Loeb than it would be for twelve who would share the decision. The fate of Leopold and Loeb was to rest solely with Judge John R. Caverly. The prosecution had over 80 witnesses that presented the cold-blooded murder in all its gory details. The defense focused on psychology, especially the boys upbringing. On August 22, 1924, Clarence Darrow gave his final summation. It lasted approximately two hours and is considered one of the best speeches of his life. After listening to all the evidence presented and thinking carefully on the matter, Judge Caverly announced his decision on September 19, 1924. Judge Caverly sentenced Leopold and Loeb to jail for 99 years for kidnapping and for the rest of their natural lives for murder. He also recommended that they never be eligible for parole. The Deaths of Leopold and Loeb Leopold and Loeb were originally separated, but by 1931 they were again close. In 1932, Leopold and Loeb opened a school in the prison to teach other prisoners. On January 28, 1936, 30-year-old Loeb was attacked in the shower by his cellmate. He was slashed over 50 times with a straight razor and died of his wounds. Leopold stayed in prison and wrote an autobiography, Life Plus 99 Years. After spending 33 years in prison, 53-year-old Leopold was paroled in March of 1958 ​and moved to Puerto Rico, where he married in 1961. Leopold died on August 30, 1971, from a heart attack at age 66.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Current U.S. Supreme Court Justices History

Current U.S. Supreme Court Justices History The United States Supreme Court- often referred to as SCOTUS- was established in 1789 by Article Three of the United States Constitution. As the highest U.S. federal court, the Supreme Court has discretionary appellate jurisdiction to hear and rule on cases decided by all lower federal courts and state court cases that involve federal law, as well as original jurisdiction over a smaller range of cases. In the U.S. legal system, the Supreme Court is the highest and final interpreter of federal laws, including the Constitution itself. Under federal law, the full Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are all nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. Once seated, Supreme Court justices serve for life unless they retire, resign, or are removed after being impeached by Congress. Why Nine Justices? The Constitution did not and still does not specify the number of Supreme Court justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six. As the nation expanded westward, Congress added justices as needed to deal with cases from the growing number of judicial circuits; from seven in 1807 to nine in 1837 and to  ten in 1863. In 1866, Congress- at the request of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase- passed an act stipulating that the next three justices to retire would not be replaced, thus reducing the number of justices back to seven. By 1867, two of the three justices had retired, but in 1869, Congress passed the Circuit Judges Act setting the number of justices to nine, where it remains today. The same 1869 law created the provision under which all federal judges continue to receive their full salaries after retiring. In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a substantial and controversial enlargement of the Supreme Court. His plan would have added one new justice for every existing justice who reached the age of 70 years and 6 months and refused to retire, up to a maximum of 15 justices. Roosevelt claimed he wanted to ease the stress of the Court’s growing docket on elderly justices, but critics saw it as a way for him to load the Court with justices sympathetic to his Great Depression-busting New Deal program. Calling it Roosevelt’s â€Å"court-packing plan,† Congress rejected the proposal. Nevertheless, having been elected years before the adoption of the presidential term-limiting 22nd Amendment, Roosevelt would go on to appoint seven justices during his 12 years in office. Current Supreme Court Justices The table below shows the current Justices of the Supreme Court. Justice Appointed In Appointed By At Age John G; Roberts(Chief Justice) 2005 G. W. Bush 50 Elena Kagan 2010 Obama 50 Samuel A. Alito, Jr. 2006 G. W. Bush 55 Neil M. Gorsuch 2017 Trump 49 Brett M. Kavanaugh 2018 Trump 53 Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Obama 55 Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush 43 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton 60 Stephen Breyer 1994 Clinton 56 * On June 20, 2018, Justice Anthony Kennedy, a crucial swing vote on the Supreme Court, announced his retirement effective July 31, 2018. Kennedy’s departure gave  President Trump the opportunity to appoint his second Supreme Court justice during just his first two years in office.   On July 9, 2018, President Trump nominated 53-year-old Brett M. Kavanaugh to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President George W. Bush in 2003, Judge Kavanaugh is considered a conservative, thus setting up a probable Senate confirmation battle and possibly solidifying the court’s conservative majority for a generation. Though she recently announced her intention to serve through 2020, the now 85-year-old liberal-leaning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is expected to be the next justice to retire. In announcing Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, President Trump described him as â€Å"one of the finest and sharpest legal minds in our time,† and declared him a jurist who would apply the Constitution â€Å"as written.† In accepting the nomination, Judge Kavanaugh, who once clerked for Justice Kennedy, promised that as a Supreme Court justice, he would â€Å"keep an open mind in every case.† But he also declared that judges â€Å"must interpret the law, not make the law.† On Saturday, October 6, 2018, the Senate voted along party lines 50-48 in favor of confirming the nomination. Later the same day, Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony. A Brief History of the US Supreme Court or SCOTUS As the final and ultimate legal interpreter of the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court of the United States, or SCOTUS, is one of the most visible and often controversial organizations in the federal government. Through many of its landmark decisions, like banning prayer in public schools and legalizing abortion, the Supreme Court fueled many of the most passionately heated and ongoing debates in America’s history. The U.S. Supreme Court is established by Article III of the U.S. Constitution, which states, â€Å"[t]he judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.† Other than establishing it, the Constitution spells out no specific duties or powers of the Supreme Court or how it is to be organized. Instead, the Constitution empowers Congress and the Justices of the Court itself to develop the authorities and operations of the entire Judicial Branch of government. As the very first bill considered by the very first United States Senate, the Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the Supreme Court to consist of a Chief Justice and only five Associate Justices, and for the Court to hold its deliberations in the nation’s capital. The Judiciary Act of 1789 also provided a detailed plan for the lower federal court system merely alluded to in the Constitution as â€Å"such inferior† courts. For the first 101 years of the Supreme Court’s existence, the justices were required to â€Å"ride circuit,† holding court twice a year in each of the 13 judicial districts. Each of the then five justices was assigned to one of three geographical circuits and traveled to the designated meeting places within the districts of that circuit. The Act also created the position of U.S. Attorney General and assigned the power to nominate Supreme Court justices to the President of the United States with the approval of the Senate. The First Supreme Court Convenes The Supreme Court was first called to assemble on Feb. 1, 1790, in the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City, then the Nations Capital. The first Supreme Court was made up of: Chief Justice John Jay, from New York Associate Justices John Rutledge, from South CarolinaWilliam Cushing, from Massachusetts|James Wilson, from PennsylvaniaJohn Blair, from Virginia|James Iredell, from North Carolina Due to transportation problems, Chief Justice Jay had to postpone the first actual meeting of the Supreme Court until the next day, Feb. 2, 1790. The Supreme Court spent its first session organizing itself and determining its own powers and duties. The new Justices heard and decided their first actual case in 1792. Lacking any specific direction from the Constitution, the new U.S. Judiciary spent its first decade as the weakest of the three branches of government. Early federal courts failed to issue strong opinions or even take on controversial cases. The Supreme Court was not even sure if it had the power to consider the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress. This situation changed drastically in 1801 when President John Adams appointed John Marshall of Virginia to be the fourth Chief Justice. Confident that nobody would tell him not to, Marshall took clear and firm steps to define the role and powers of both the Supreme Court and the judiciary system. The Supreme Court, under John Marshall, defined itself with its historic 1803 decision in the case of Marbury v. Madison. In this single landmark case, the Supreme Court established its power to interpret the U.S. Constitution as the â€Å"law of the land† of the United States and to determine the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress and the state legislatures. John Marshall went on to serve as Chief Justice for a record 34 years, along with several Associate Justices who served for over 20 years. During his time on the bench, Marshall succeeded in molding the federal judicial system into what many consider to be todays most powerful branch of government. Before settling at nine in 1869, the number of Supreme Court Justices changed six times. In its entire history, the Supreme Court has had only 16 Chief Justices, and over 100 Associate Justices. Chief Justices of the Supreme Court Chief Justice Year Appointed** Appointed By John Jay 1789 Washington John Rutledge 1795 Washington Oliver Ellsworth 1796 Washington John Marshall 1801 John Adams Roger B. Taney 1836 Jackson Salmon P. Chase 1864 Lincoln Morrison R. Waite 1874 Grant Melville W. Fuller 1888 Cleveland Edward D. White 1910 Taft William H. Taft 1921 Harding Charles E. Hughes 1930 Hoover Harlan F. Stone 1941 F. Roosevelt Fred M. Vinson 1946 Truman Earl Warren 1953 Eisenhower Warren E. Burger 1969 Nixon William Rehnquist(Deceased) 1986 Reagan John G. Roberts 2005 G. W. Bush Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President of the United States. The nomination must be approved by a majority vote of the Senate. The Justices serve until they retire, die or are impeached.  The average tenure for Justices is about 15 years, with a new Justice being appointed to the Court about every 22 months. Presidents appointing the most Supreme Court Justices include George Washington, with ten appointments and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed eight Justices. The Constitution also provides that â€Å"[t]he Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.† While they have died and retired, no Supreme Court justice has ever been removed through impeachment. Contact the Supreme Court The individual justices of the Supreme Court do not have public email addresses or phone numbers. However, the court can be contacted by regular mail, telephone, and email as follows: U.S. Mail: Supreme Court of the United States1  First Street, NEWashington, DC 20543 Telephone: 202-479-3000TTY:202-479-3472(Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern) Other Helpful Telephone Numbers: Clerks Office: 202-479-3011Visitor Information Line: 202-479-3030Opinion Announcements: 202-479-3360 Court’s Public Information Office For time-sensitive or urgent questions please contact the Public Information Office at the following number: 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1 For general questions that are not time-sensitive, email: Public Information Office. Contact the Public Information Office by US Mail: Public Information OfficerSupreme Court of the United States1 First Street, NEWashington, DC 20543