Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Fact File on the Spartacist Essay
The spartocist uprising was also known as the January uprising, it was a general strike in Germany from 5 January to 15 January, in 1919. The aim of the spartocist was outlined in their manifesto. ‘The Spartocist manifesto 1918 The question today is not democracy of dictorship. The question that history has put on the agenda reads: bourgeois democracy or socialist democracy. For the dictatorship of the proletariat does not mean bombs, putsches (pushes), riots and anarchy, as the against of the capitalist profits deliberately and falsely claim. Rather, it means using all the instruments of political power to achieve socialism, to expropriate the capitalist class, through and in accordance with the will of the revolutionary majority of the proletariat’. This is referenced from: www. schoolhistory. org. uk/As level_ History/spartacistuprising. htm This shows that the communist do not wish to start was but want to help the community and its people. They want to make right and equality. The do not wish to harm their country as they’re the people living in Germany. The uprising began after January 4 after the discharge of Berlin Chief of police, who was also the member of Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD) by the â€Å"Council of the people’s deputies†. He had, then, refused to take up action against striking workers on Christmas Eve on December 24. In every sense, it was futile at that moment, to gesture against the government. Elbert Friedrich withdrew his government to the safety of Weimer and allowed the police and what remained of the regular army to bring peace and stability to Berlin, once again. There was no mercy shown to the spartocist/communist whose leaders were murdered after their arrest. The majority of the spartocist were civilian. No-one doubted who would win. Around 100 civilians, 17 police cop soldiers died during the fight. Liebknecht and Luxemburg were captured and killed by the police-with their death, the party fell into a temporary disorganisation and untidiness through the communist party gained strength in 1920’s under the leadership of Thurman. By 1928, the spartocist/communist had grown into a minority political party.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Response Paper to “The Invention of Lying”
Response Paper One Joseph Leemon For my analysis of the movie The Invention of Lying as it pertains to our class, I have selected two parts from the IPC book, where I can apply some of what I have learned so far. The first part is the Ethical Systems of Interpersonal Communication table from Chapter 1 and the Stages of the Interpersonal Perception Process from Chapter 2, The Ethical system of interpersonal communication contains five parts. Those parts are categorical imperative, utilitarianism, golden mean, ethic of care, and significant choice.Categorical imperative is an ethical system that suggests that we should act as an example to others. This is demonstrated throughout the movie as the entire population (except Mark when he begins to lie), tells the truth no matter how it might affect the other person. A specific example is when Anna is talking to her mother on the date, and explaining that Mark is unattractive and undesirable, even though he is sitting right across from her. Utilitarianism is the ethical system suggesting that what is ethical will bring the greatest good to the greatest number of people.An example of this would be when Mark tells the lie that he can speak directly to God, and he is confronted with a worldwide audience. He then decides to make up his own version of the Commandments, because he believes that these will help society at large in the best possible way. Golden mean is the ethical system where a person’s moral virtue stands between two vices, with the middle being the foundation for a rational society. This is displayed when Mark uses his lies to get closer to Anna throughout the movie by manipulating other people to get money and fame.The other side of it is when he tells his dying grandmother how wonderful heaven is, so she will be able to die peacefully. Mark also has various other situations like this that keeps him centered and good. The ethic of care is the system that is concerned with the connections among peop le and the moral consequences of decisions. Throughout the movie, Mark tries to get Anna to like him, even though she originally thought of him as ugly and as a loser. They begin to grow closer, until Anna decides to marry Brad, because Brad is of better â€Å"stock†than Mark.Anna does not end up going through with marrying Brad, because she realizes that there are more appealing aspects to Mark, even though he has told her that he has not told the truth. Significant choice is the belief that communication is ethical to the extent that it maximize our ability to exercise free choice. This is brought up in the movie a couple of times. One of the first times Mark uses it is when he runs into Frank, who is contemplating suicide. Mark did not have to tell Frank that he was a good guy, and that he was worth something, but he found it was the ethical thing to do, and exercised his choice in that way.Another time is near the end of the movie where Mark tells Anna that he has not be en telling the truth. He wanted her to like him for himself, and not all the money and fame that he had accumulated by lying, so he made the choice to tell her the truth. The second part is the Stages of the Interpersonal Perception Process from Chapter 2. These include attending and selecting, organizing, interpreting, and retrieving. This is used on Mark and Anna’s second date, when Anna asks Mark about his family.Mark is able to draw her in by telling her of his father and his grandmother. Mark then uses organizing to create the belief that he is good enough for Anna, but Anna still believes that he is ugly and she does not want to have children with him. Because of this, Mark interprets that even though he has more money, Anna will still not be with him romantically. Mark retains this idea that he is not good enough throughout the rest of the movie, until the very end where Anna finally decides that she wants to be with him because of the person he is on the inside.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Debate on Indian Removal Essay
In the contemporary world the idea of removal of an entire people from its native land would sound wickedly and would perhaps be considered a genocide, yet in the XIX century this idea was quite permissible and corresponded to the ruling concept of civilized nations which were to rule those uncivilized and determine their existence. Therefore, in our estimation of pro and contra Indian removal arguments I shall attempt to evaluate the named arguments first and foremost from the point of view of the time and base my conclusions on such evaluation. The first argument proposed by Andrew Jackson to the Congress in 1829 is that that no new state may be established without consent of the people of that state, and since Indians are living on the territory of existing states and do not constitute a majority, they may not establish their own government and have to obey the laws of the state or immigrate. A harsher version of the argument is provided in the North American Review, January 1830, blaming that Indians are barbarous people â€Å"incapable of sustaining any other relation with the whites, than that of dependence and pupilage. †Francis J. Grund is even more acrid, as he claims Indian’s cruelty towards the Founding Fathers. A counterargument can be found in the â€Å"Memorial of the Cherokee Indians†, published in the Weekly Register vol. 38, and it is that a white man is a ruler of the land, and the red man is weak, yet there were times when whites were week and reds were strong, and the whites received warm welcome from the Indians. Also the Indians argued that previous treaties guaranteed their rights to land. The situation with the Indians is similar to the one with the colonists before the Revolution. The colonists appeared to be weak and Britain was strong, yet the colonists were able to gain their independence by force. However, the Indians were unable to win the war and they had to obey those who are strong. Therefore, the US Government argument was nothing but a sword law, not a just law. This is well confirmed by the Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in Worcester v. State of Georgia (1832), where the Court has found that treaties between the Indians and the Government, as well as Indian self-government are guaranteed as long as the Indians obey the general laws of the state. Since the Indians did not obey, all they privileges have to be annulled. Yet the laws of the state themselves made the Indians chose between â€Å"becoming civilized†in other words not leading their traditional lifestyle and immigration. So, it may be concluded, that removal has logically followed from the previous relations between the Indians and the Government, in which the Government used sword more frequently than justice. The second pro argument proposed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 were advantages of immigration both for the whites and for Indians. For the US government is was an opportunity to protect the frontiers, for the states of Mississippi and Alabama these were new territories and opportunities for development, and for the Indians, under Jackson, it was an ability not to have contacts with the civilized people, follow their customs and live under the government supervision, gradually becoming a civilized community. A counterargument of the Indians is explained in the mentioned Memorial, as well as in the article published in the North American Review, October 1830 where they claim their right to stay on their land and continue their traditional life same as any nation has title over its land. In fact, we once more face the sword law: the Government determined what is â€Å"civilized†and what is â€Å"law†and the Indians had to obey or disappear. Another Indian argument may be found in the letter from John Ross: the Government was just willing to get rid of the Indians. This is an argument with no counterargument. Government’s desire to make away with the Indians was undisputable. Concluding my analysis I have to recognize that the arguments of the Indians look stronger even for the XIX century. An independent international tribunal of the time would perhaps take their side. Yet there was no such tribunal, but only the will of the Government which caused Indians to be removed.
Finite element analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Finite element analysis - Essay Example It is not only used for stress analysis and deflection of solid structures, but also for problems involving heat conduction, fluid flow and electric fields. Finite element analysis (FEA) is a method which most engineers today find an essential tool that can be applied to almost any design problem prior to testing and development. This paper presents the results of a finite element analysis for the buckle of a standard lap belt used in a passenger aircraft. Figure 1 is a representation of the buckle/belt assembly. The buckle itself must be designed to withstand a 450 kg tensile load; thus, the objective of the analysis was to determine the maximum stress max of the buckle under this load and determine whether or not the design meets its objectives. Once this has been determined, a recommendation is made to proceed with testing or to begin a redesign of the buckle. Finite Element Analysis was first introduced in the 1950's and has been continually developed ever since. (FEA) is a computer-based numerical technique for calculating the strength and behaviour of engineering structures. It can be used to calculate deflection, stress, vibration, buckling behaviour and many other phenomena. It can be used to analyze either small or large-scale deflection under loading or applied displacement. It can analyze elastic deformation, or "permanently bent out of shape" plastic deformation. The computer is required because of the astronomical number of calculations needed to analyze a large structure. As mentioned, this report has been complied to document the results of the Finite Element Analysis of a buckle connection. The function of the FE Analysis was to obtain the max of the buckle connection which is based to resist 450 Kg of tension, as written in assignment. The buckle connection was designed to be made from Stainless Steel plate. A comprehensive set of properties for the specified material is shown in table 1 FIRST STEP: Material properties of Stainless Steel ASSUMPTIONSAssumptions: The first step in preparing for the analysis is to develop a list of assumptions concerning the geometry, properties, the mesh, the boundary conditions and linear and static factors. In the begging of doing this report in FEA Package there are numbers of assumptions were made which give create more imaginations as key in testing any design before test it in real life. FirstConsidering the geometry, it is assumed that the drawings provided are accurate representations of the buckle. Thickness of the buckle was assumed to be constant which led to the particular selection of the element type which allowed for a thickness criteria. Shell elements were then selected. In brief, shells form curved surfaces in space and are usually thin compared to their length. The elements selected for this analysis are assumed to be able to adequately model the part. ly Next, properties of the material were considered. It it was assumed that all material properties supplied provided by the designerin the problem statement were correct accurate and provided a true representation of the material specifiedpart. . Another assumption made was that the Homogeneous and isotropic material was homogeneous
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Providence Police Corruption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Providence Police Corruption - Essay Example That is because the public relies on the police to uphold the law, protect the community and assist in times of need. Police are also the most visible arm of government for most citizens and a yardstick by which they measure authority. When an officer acts illegally, he dishonors both himself and the law and justice system he represent (Adams 1-14). Unfortunately, the organizational culture of the police does encourage some officer to commit acts of corruption. Such acts might involve taking monetary bribes, abusing the authority or concealing criminal enterprises. More importantly, their might also involve violation of human right or ethnic and racial discrimination. When police organizations fail to punish travesties of justice, they inadvertently foster a culture of corruption that breeds discrimination, deception and greed. In order to understand police corruption, a crime that is increased with grave social repercussions, it is necessary to analyses few basic elements, the offic er themselves. Who are the officers that police departments recruit? How are they trained? And what are the criteria for promotion? I believe answering these basic questions involves determining whether departments have procedures to do adequate background checks on recruits, psychological tests that accurately measure their suitability for police work, impartially administered written and physical examinations and training that imparts integrity and self control. Police departments in which corruption is rife generally have weaknesses in these basic areas. As a result, some of their officers have dangerous criminal tendencies that undermine confidence in law enforcement. Before directly analyzing the modern image of police corruption, it is essential to provide some context by looking as chronological images of corruption. In relation to the findings of the global literature and the official inquiries, Adams (2008) provided a number of essential observations on the corruption are p atterned within police organizations. He asserts that, on one hand that it is invasive, ongoing and not restricted by rank and is not merely attributable to only some ‘bad applies’. However, he has also pointed out that there are certain policing circumstances at the ‘invitational edge of corruption’ where inducement are particularly sensitive, including parts of the policing organization that deal with prostitution, alcohol, gambling and drugs. In the England and Wales circumstance, earlier corruption scandals have similarities to the global image painted by Adams. For example, a review by Adams (2008) paints a picture of police corruption which has a number of recurring themes in the post-war period: Criminal Investigation Department and the specialist squads (such as drugs, robbery or the vice squads) have been attributed significantly to have naturally involved groups of officers operating together, and have been reported to have involved officers from both the higher and the lower ranks. And based on their latest experiences of investigating corruption, the Metropolitan Police service primarily found themselves confronting a similar pattern of corruption, with suspect officers being respected career detectives with experience in specialist squads. Corrupt actions from across these instances; have included the protection of criminals for financial
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Key terms, Issues & Conditions for legal confessions Essay
Key terms, Issues & Conditions for legal confessions - Essay Example Lastly informants may give a wrong or unreliable testimony in return for money or special treatment. In U.S.A alone, there have been about 303 convictions that end up exonerated after proper DNA examination (Fender, 2012). In June 1994, Jacie Taylor, a 19 years old girl body was found on a bathtub in her apartment after she was raped and murdered. During the house search for any evidence that would be useful in the case, the police found a blanket with semen on the victims couch. They also spotted and collected a bloody shirt belonging to Robert Dewey, the only and major suspect, during an interview in his apartment. The shirt was then sent to an investigations DNA laboratory for further examination (Fender, 2012). A year later a scientist from a Texas laboratory was brought before the court to testify. He said that the blood on Mr. Robert Dewey was a mixture and that some of it would be Miss Jacie Taylor’s. Mr. Robert Dewey went to prison and the evidence was contained in a laboratory in California. In 2000, Colorado introduced new medical technological tests known as STR testing that could examine and show more complex DNA features such as double helix. They also began uploading the DNAs of all the convicts in the CODIS database. Six years later even a more refined and accurate DNA technology known as YSTR test was introduced (Fender, 2012). YSTR tests could separate female DNA from that of male in case the two happened to mix up. With this technology, Danyel Joffe the Dewey’s post- conviction attorney, with the help of New York Innocence Project had the evidence held in the laboratory in California to be re-tested. The case was reviewed and the evidence at hand retested using a â€Å"mini filer†technology that could pull more comprehensive profiles from ruined DNA samples. The new evidence revealed that the blood on Mr. Robert Dewey’s shirt did not contain Miss Taylor’s blood. The technology also revealed
Friday, July 26, 2019
Stem Cell Research Legislation Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Stem Cell Legislation - Research Paper Example Humans have two types of stem cells, which include adult and embryonic stem cells. Embryonic cells come blastocyst’s inner layer. The adult stem cells are located in various tissues with varying potency. Potency of the stem cells indicates the number of cell types that can differentiate from the stem cells (Solo & Gasil, 2007). Embryonic cells are said to be pluripotent meaning they differentiate to form an array of tissues. This has attracted a controversial debate on the use of embryonic stem cells for treatment as well as research. This paper will explore the history of stem cell legislation in the US as well as compare this legislation to other statutes in the world. It will also elaborate on the current statutes concerning stem cell as well as the future of these statutes. The policies and laws on stem cell in the USA have undergone various, complicated changes over the years. Adult stem cells were first used for the treatment of leukemia in 1970. However, because of thei r limited potency, their use in research and treatment is limited. The debate on the use of embryonic stem cells is attributed to the fact that these cells are obtained from live embryos produced in the lab (Bellomo, 2006). The controversial issue surrounding this debate is the question on when life begins in humans. This is because some argue that the embryos created in the lab are humans and with rights to live. History on Legislation Roe Wade legalized abortion in the US in 1973. Five years after this, scientists and physicians delivered the first human following in vitro fertilization. These created the need for the federal government to enact policies and laws that restricted the use of public funds in the research of embryonic stem cells. All through history, there were no laws barring stem cell research in the USA (DeGette, 2008). However, the government put a restriction on the funding of the research based on stem cells. During President’s Clinton administration, the National Health Institute advised the government to permit the use of public funds for research on embryos. However, Clinton citing various moral and ethical issues declined to issue funds for this research. Furthermore, Clinton signed the Dickey Amendment in 1995 which forbade the use of federal money in funding the research on human embryos. The use of human embryonic stem cells for research featured significantly during Bush’s first term in office. In February 2001, he requested for the review of the NIH request concerning federal funding for research on the stem cells. Later on in August 2001, Bush issued a ban on the use of public funding in the research of human stem cells (DeGette, 2008). He argued that the creation and abortion of fetuses for the purpose of research was destroying human life and thus, should be avoided. In an effort to lift this ban, both 109th and 110th Congresses passed Bills to life the ban. However, both bills were vetoed by Bush using his Presid ential powers. The 109th Congress also passed a Bill that banned the creation and destruction of human embryos for research purpose (DeGette, 2008). In 2005, the House passed the Stem Cell Enhancement Act which sought to allow the allocation of federal funds to research on human embryonic stem cells. The Presidential vetoed the Bill; therefore, it was never enacted into law. Later on, in 2006, Senate passed the Bill but the President did not approve it. In 2007, the legislation on stem cell research
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Product study and evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Product study and evaluation - Essay Example Apart from all, with featured computerized control module and louver construction the evaporative air conditioner offers high tech performance, compatibility and maximum durability (Mouritz 2013). Few setbacks in the design are due to reverse functioning (extracting outer heated air for internal cooling); however, the evaporative air conditioner brings maximum efficiency. With max optimum utilization, it requires regular servicing and maintenance. This adds to the cost of maintenance with minimum $100 every 6 month (Mouritz 2013). Conventionally the cooler pads of evaporative air conditioner are made up of excelsior-wood fibers, most popularly known as wool. The excelsior is used in cooling pads for the basic cooling purpose. Wood fibers absorbing the high temperature water and releasing medium cooled air allows the air to pass with synthetic and natural fibers situated inside the unit’s containment box. Apart from all, the basic unit is manufactured with stainless steel and this is to resist the high corrosive moisture (Braemar 2013). Evaporative air conditioner is manufactured and produced on the basis of sectional production. The parts are sub-produced- produced in sections and then brought to one place for final assembling. The main parts of assembly include hushdrive motor, fan, cooling pads, water distribution tray, covering body, and the computerized control module. Aligning the parts together the final evaporating air conditioner unit is there (Braemar 2013). With high tech design and features, the evaporative air conditioner offers maximum reliability. With quality of operation and high performance, evaporative air conditioners are becoming most popular in Australia and South Africa. The reason is that such cooling systems offer all what an end user require in such warmer areas (Mouritz 2013). One drawback of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Buddhism in China and Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Buddhism in China and Japan - Essay Example On the contrary, it believes that change is normal and in order for a person to attain a state of spiritual satisfaction he has to act morally and follow the teachings that are designed to help him live through his lifelong worries without any confusion. There are two major sects established all over the world, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Emperor Asoka the Great embraced Buddhism after the war of Kalinga. In the third century, he made efforts to spread the word of Buddhism and sent missionaries to the North West region of India, which is Pakistan and Afghanistan of today. Out of the many religions established in China at that time, Taoism was one of them. Due to similarities in the Taoist teachings and Buddhism, in terms of spirituality and meditation, the concept was welcomed well by the Chinese and soon it became widely practiced by the people. In the sixth century, the message of Buddhism reached Korea and Japan. Buddhist scriptures were translated extensively all over the world. Due to historical and sociological reasons, Buddhist practices in China differ from those in Japan. Zen is a form of meditation proposed by Buddhism. However, the ways to attain the state of nirvana are different in both China and Japan. Besides, Japanese have merged this religion with that of the prevailing Shinto, which involves the inc lusion of several gods. This is not the case in China, where the concept of God in Buddhism is absent. However, the main beliefs remain the same. Only the means to achieve the goal are
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Passage Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Passage Analysis - Essay Example Poe then allows the reader to imagine what the rest of the "evidence" is on "her emaciated frame". It is as if the reader is seeing her for the first time along with the characters. She is just a "frame" rather than a body, seeming more dead than alive and more terrible in her aspect because of it. The use of the verbs "trembling" and "reeling" evokes the physicality of her precarious predicament, again making the reader actually see the woman with his/her mind's eye as they are reading. The sentence structure here copies the moment of suspense that the characters are going through. The ",then," reflects the uncertainty as to what is about to happen for the narrator. Will she fall outwards or inwards or will she stay trembling, caught between the two The rest of the sentence answers this question. A first year English student might be accused of writing a "run-on" sentence if she handed this in, proving that the 'rules' of grammar are in fact merely conventions that can and should be broken when needed. As the woman is in her final "death-agonies" it is her brother who is taken "to the floor a corpse". Poe brilliantly evokes the terror and suddenness with which the brother dies.
Credit Markets Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Credit Markets - Research Paper Example The next step in the treasury auction process is the bidding process, which entails the prospective buyers of the credit items making the bids, either through a process of competitive or noncompetitive bidding (, n.p.). The competitive bidding allows the prospective buyers to offer their bids competitively up to the maximum limited amount of securities, while in the noncompetitive bidding; the prospective buyers have to agree with the terms of the sale of the securities as set. The final process in the treasury auction process is the issuance stage, which is the stage where the bidders who successfully bid and were allocated securities in different categories have the securities delivered to them. When treasury delivers the securities to the bidders, it then charges the total amount of the cost of securities on the accounts of the successful bidders (, n.p.). 2. Discuss the activities of other major new debt-securities issuances (agency, municipal, foreign, and others) from collected articles, including lead underwriter(s), the amount of each issue, and other reported terms. Major new debt-securities issuances have been occurring in the USA credit market. Among the major new issuances in 2015 include the issuance of securities worth $483.615 million by the Washington Municipal (Thomson Reuters, n.p.). The Washington Municipal securities were preliminarily issued on February 10, 2015, with the Foster Pepper being the underwriters and also the bookkeepers (Thomson Reuters, n.p.). Another new security issuance includes that of the Michigan Finance Authority worth 197.535 million, which was issued on February 13 of this year, with the J P Morgan Securities LLC., being the underwriters (Thomson Reuters, n.p.). On the industrial front, OHR Pharmaceutical issued new securities worth $25.0 million on 5th February of this year, with Cowen Group being the underwriters (Thomson
Monday, July 22, 2019
Leadership Style Essay Example for Free
Leadership Style Essay Leadership is a role that not all can partake but that many have excelled at. When asked who I admire as a leader I had to think quite a while. I had to decide what category of leader I could relate to the most. Would it be a political leader, a spiritual leader, a business leader or even a military leader? Ultimately I decided that I want someone who is multi-faceted in that they can lead in many situations and scenarios. Further it seems that leading in unfamiliar and new situations can allow a leader more freedom in his direction without being swayed by observations of others in similar situations. This led me to choose George Washington as my admirable leader since â€Å"George Washington can be used as an example of strong and ethical leadership in virtually any walk of life.†(Rees 2007, p. preface) Growing up we all learned of George Washington and his role as the first president of the United Sates. We hear of his honesty as told through the story of the cherry tree and so on. His leadership is what gave him this large mark in our history books and it was not only displayed through his presidency. He was first a great military leader. In this role he displayed leader characteristics such as toughness, persistence, bravery and organization. These characteristics earned him the respect of his troops and the ongoing admiration of an entire country. His time as a political leader is what he is remembered most for. He was able to use his charismatic presence and moral strength to maneuver through a turbulent political environment. The leadership traits of foresight and strategic planning allowed him to hold at bay the continental army from a brittle and new civilian government. Through his, and with the help of other great leaders, efforts the path was paved for the United Sates to become the world’s leading super power. Though other leaders have achieved similar feats throughout history this one stands out for me as I have directly benefited from George Washington’s leadership. Lastly a notable leadership trait that I admire of George Washington’s is his moral leadership. This helps distinguish him from other leaders of world powers before and after his time. It was not uncommon for leaders like Hitler, Stalin, and the Caesar’s or Persian Empire leaders who accomplished similar â€Å"world power†feats to rule by an iron fist and without morality to reach their goals. George Washington used his moral compass to create what may be a much longer lasting arena in which to lead, one that could be passed on to other worthy leaders. Many would like to think that they have the characteristics of a great leader. The reality is that if I, or anyone else, had the perfect mesh of traits for a leader then we would in fact be leading. While I do manage staff, departments and facilities I see myself as a professional and only an aspiring leader. It is my hope that through this course and the others I with be involved in throughout my time at University of Phoenix I will come closer to actually leading. Currently I have some leadership characteristics. There are some that seemed to come naturally and others that have taken time, effort and education. I’ve always seemed to have a knack at argument, or for our scholarly purposes, excellent persuasion ability. I can think clearly during exchanges and use opposing thinkers own examples and analogies to further substantiate my position. I treat people with respect regardless of their status. I strive to have a perfect balance on confidence and humility. I do not fear collaboration and tend to communicate well. If I were to list all the things I would need to do in order to become a better leader this paper would never end. In order to avoid this I will talk only about the traits I feel are the most important and in need of further understanding and practice from myself. Leveraging team strength’s needs some attention from me. I tend to look at people in their roles and corner them there. If I open my eyes a bit more as to their aptitude in other areas I could find that shining stars are sitting right in front of me. I need to be more fearless and take more risks. I have a tendency to play things safe seeking acceptable outcomes when I could take risks and seek excellent outcomes. If I were to take on a little more compassion for things going on with the people around me I may be able to find ways to create more dedicated followers. Followers that know I believe in them and care for their own well-being as opposed to simply the desired outcome of my leadership. Ultimately I wish to lead by example. I want to lead follower’s development and act as a resource for their advice and assistance (Daft 2008). The greatest satisfaction I can achieve as a leader would be not only for my own desired success in life to be experienced but also to carve a path for those around me to thrive as well. Good leadership in my opinion will always result in an accumulative good, not and individual good. References Daft, R. (2008). The Leadership Experience. Mason: Thompson Learning, Inc. . James Rees, Stephen J. Spignesi (2007). George Washingtons Leadership Lessons. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Causes of Ketamine Addiction
Causes of Ketamine Addiction Psychology of Drug Addictions Stephanie Boaz ABSTRACT Ketamine was first discovered in 1961 but not synthesized until 1962 by a man of the name of Calvin Stevens that worked with Parke Davis Labs ( Stevens discovered Ketamine when searching for a replacement for PCP anesthetics. It was not until 1965 that Ketamine was later used as a relational drug which was discovered by Edward Domino ( Ketamine is considered to be a fast acting, dissociative anesthetic ( Ketamine is not like your customary anesthetics it works by blocking the brains activity from the body. Without stimulation the brain’s perceptions increase causing the brain to start a hallucinogenic state of mine also known as the emergence phenomena ( Ketamine has the chemical name: 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone ( How Does a Person Get Hooked on Ketamine Ketamine is used in many different ways. It is used an anesthetic on humans it is primarily used on children or the elderly and people of third world countries due to the emergence phenomena ( When using Ketamine as a recreational drug is comes in many forms such as powder, tablet, or in a liquid form which are taken orally, anally, snorting, or injected in the muscle or veins. Once administered intramuscularly it takes roughly two minutes to take effect (Julien, Advokat, Comaty, 2011, pg.530). If snorted it takes about 5-10 minutes to take effect, peak times are different according to the way the drug is administered ( With the use of Ketamine it has psychic sensations that may occur such as mood state and body images, floating sensations, vivid dreams or illusions and the occasional frank delirium ( Ketamine is also known as Special K on the streets. It has the similar effects as to what PCP would have on a person. Once the drug is ingested the body can feel the effects for up to 24 hours after ( Special K is also a drug that is very well known for its use in date rape. This drug is both odorless and has no taste at all. There are many street names for this drug that include: ( Special K K Super Acid Kit kat Vitamin K Jet Honey oil Purple Cat Valium Ketamine or Special K has many signs and symptoms that accompany the use of this drug which consist of and are not limited to ( Hallucinations Poor vision Amnesia Strange heart rate patterns Nausea Identity confusion Elevated heart rate Numbness Out of body experiences Delirium Rash Confusion of time Depression Poor coordination Seizures Realistic dreams There are many long term side effects from the use of Ketamine/Special K ( Permanent memory loss Anxiety Respiratory complication Neuroses Inability to pay attention Poor learning ability Night terrors Mental disorders PTSD Increase in blood pressure Flashbacks Loss of consciousness Depression Insomnia Once Ketamine /Special K is used on a regular basis the drug begins to build up in the person body thus forming a tolerance to the drug. Once this is done it requires that more and more of the drug be utilized in order to feel the high that the person is seeking. Once the drug has been used for a long period of time the effects may take many years to overcome. In order to completely overcome the addiction it requires the use of drug rehabilitation ( With the use of Ketamine/Special K a person is seeking the feeling of detachment from reality. The person feels free from life. Although Ketamine/Special K is an addictive drug it is also know to be relatively safer compared to some drugs due to the fact that if one is administering the drug to themselves that they are more likely to pass out before injection or ingesting to much of the drug to cause an overdose, unless they are administering a large dose very quickly ( If administered in a high dose it can cause the person to become immobilized or even to become transfixed. Over many years there have been deaths due to the use of Ketamine/Special K but not because of an overdose but due to the fact that the person suffered from the side effects on a physical aspect. Such as but not limited to falling down or hitting something due to the black outs that occur when under the influence of the drug ( /forum/showwiki.php?title=Ketamine). Although Ketamine/Special K is not considered to physically addictive it is however psychologically addictive ( Due to addiction of Ketamine/Special K the withdrawals of this drug are considered to be somewhat nonexistent. There are symptoms from chronic users that consist of minor tension, twitchiness, poor attention spans and restlessness which could be caused from the sedatives in the drug itself may linger in the blood stream for a period of time ( As of this date there is only one country that Ketamine/Special K is legal an considered to be an unscheduled drug and that is in Iran Other countries have made the drug illegal to possess unless they have a license to administer the drug or prescribe as a medication legally. According to 1 Corinthians 10:13 â€Å"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptations he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure.†Conclusions In conclusion, Ketamine/Special K has been around for quite some time in this country. And as we have learned there are many side effects that come with the use of this drug. Many people whom are addicted to this drug have the choice of not allowing it to consume them or just giving into the addiction. I learned that this drug is readily available and is used in many different ways such as a date rape drug and a drug to just be able to disassociate yourself from your problems. I can see someone using this drug in order to escape the troubles of everyday life. Also, that the side effects of coming off of the drugs are not as noticeable as other drugs. References, Addiction to Special K, Ketamine Julien, R.M., Advokat, C.D., Comaty, J.E. (2011). A primer of drug action (12th ed.).New York, NY: Worth. Holly Bible, King James Version
Saturday, July 20, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: essays research papers
To Kill a Mockingbird      The book To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a novel written with a certain substance that is lacking in many novels of the 20th Century. Harper Lee was able to write this book, which heavily represents a very robust set of morals, in a way that expresses her opinions, rather than desecrating other people’s beliefs.      In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee introduced her feelings towards the injustice that happens in our justice system, the ways that segregation and discrimination are sometimes overlooked in our society, and that you can’t fully understand someone else’s opinion until you â€Å"climb into his skin and walk around in it.†She was able to express her views through these themes, without being overly manipulative. The injustice in our society’s justice system is represented by the trial of Tom Robinson. A woman named Mayella Ewell accused Tom Robinson of rape. Even though Tom’s lawyer, Att icus Finch, was able to prove that Tom could not have raped Mayella, Tom is found guilty because he is a black man, and according to Atticus when he tries to describe what happened to his daughter â€Å"Scout,†a judge will always believe a white woman’s word, no matter how low she is in the caste system to any black man’s word. This is just one of the many overlooked ways of segregation.      Harper Lee also expresses her views on how hypocritical many Americans were when it came to segregation. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes an elementary school teacher that denounces the way that the Jewish people were treated by Hitler, but she sees nothing wrong with the way that Tom Robinson is being treated for merely being accused of rape by Mayella Ewell. Another point that Harper Lee makes clear is by describing that there is a group of people who run charities to raise money for the people of Africa, because the Africans lead lives which are so awful, but they completely overlook that there are African-Americans living in the same town who live as poorly as they would in Africa, but no one seems to notice and care about them.      One of the final themes that Harper Lee presents is that it is impossible to understand anyone else unless you â€Å"climb into his skin and walk around in it.†For instance, there is a character named Boo To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: essays research papers To Kill a Mockingbird      The book To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a novel written with a certain substance that is lacking in many novels of the 20th Century. Harper Lee was able to write this book, which heavily represents a very robust set of morals, in a way that expresses her opinions, rather than desecrating other people’s beliefs.      In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee introduced her feelings towards the injustice that happens in our justice system, the ways that segregation and discrimination are sometimes overlooked in our society, and that you can’t fully understand someone else’s opinion until you â€Å"climb into his skin and walk around in it.†She was able to express her views through these themes, without being overly manipulative. The injustice in our society’s justice system is represented by the trial of Tom Robinson. A woman named Mayella Ewell accused Tom Robinson of rape. Even though Tom’s lawyer, Att icus Finch, was able to prove that Tom could not have raped Mayella, Tom is found guilty because he is a black man, and according to Atticus when he tries to describe what happened to his daughter â€Å"Scout,†a judge will always believe a white woman’s word, no matter how low she is in the caste system to any black man’s word. This is just one of the many overlooked ways of segregation.      Harper Lee also expresses her views on how hypocritical many Americans were when it came to segregation. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes an elementary school teacher that denounces the way that the Jewish people were treated by Hitler, but she sees nothing wrong with the way that Tom Robinson is being treated for merely being accused of rape by Mayella Ewell. Another point that Harper Lee makes clear is by describing that there is a group of people who run charities to raise money for the people of Africa, because the Africans lead lives which are so awful, but they completely overlook that there are African-Americans living in the same town who live as poorly as they would in Africa, but no one seems to notice and care about them.      One of the final themes that Harper Lee presents is that it is impossible to understand anyone else unless you â€Å"climb into his skin and walk around in it.†For instance, there is a character named Boo
The Challenge :: Education School Teaching Learning Essays
The Challenge The SCANS report challenged schools, parents, and businesses to help all students develop competencies in the basic skills, thinking skills, and personal qualities required for work in the current and future workplace. It identified five broad categories of competencies that would lead to successful transition from school to work (SCANS 1991): - Resources-Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources - Interpersonal-Works with others on teams, teaches others, serves clients, exercises leadership, negotiates, and works with diversity - Information-Acquires, organizes, interprets, evaluates, and communicates information - Systems-Understands complex interrelationships and can distinguish trends, predict impacts, as well as monitor and correct performance - Technology-Works with a variety of technologies and can choose appropriate tool for task The SCANS report recommended that these competencies be learned in context in the environment in which they will be applied. Thus, the need for collaboration between schools and employers became apparent, as did the need for educational reform. Guided by these factors, vocational-technical programs have been redesigned and efforts such as tech prep have been initiated to respond to the SCANS challenge. State and Local Efforts Since 1991, many educational efforts have been initiated to incorporate the SCANS skills in the vocational-technical curricula of both secondary and postsecondary institutions. The Division of Vocational Education in the Idaho Department of Education, for example, developed a curriculum framework for the state's vocational-technical programs to address the training needs of employers and students. This framework, developed by industry and education personnel, encompassed the goals outlined in the SCANS report (Idaho Department of Education 1994). Tech prep programs in many states have been developed around the SCANS competencies. The Texas Education Agency and the University of Texas at Austin developed a model that incorporates tech prep components and SCANS competencies into their health science technology education program (McCarty et al. 1994). As part of their tech prep project, 91 Indiana secondary and postsecondary educators developed 50 application-based lessons during the 1993-1994 school year. Modeled around the SCANS competencies, these lessons are designed to bridge the gap students encounter when moving from school to work, focusing on long- and short-term project topics such as "creating a videotape" (Indiana Region 10 Tech Prep Consortium 1994). Most tech prep efforts incorporate recommendations presented in the SCANS report. For example, tech prep in Ohio is characterized by six benchmarks that focus on SCANS competencies (Ohio Department of Education 1993): - Tech prep programs will demonstrate systemic change at both the secondary and
Friday, July 19, 2019
Fate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
"Two households, both alike in dignity, / In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, / From ancient grudge brakes to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. / From forth the fatal lions of these foes / A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; / Whose misadventured piteous overthrows / Doth with their death bury their parent’s strife. / The fearful passage of their death-marked love, / And the continuance of their parent’s rage, / Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove†¦" -The Prologue, Romeo and Juliet (by William Shakespeare). Fate plays a major role in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The prologue describes Romeo’s and Juliet’s fate, which we see come up many times later on in the play. Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet unwittingly realize they cannot exist in such reality and that a tragic fate awaits them. The two families, the Montagues and the Capulets continue being rivals all the way to the end of the play until the inevitable event takes its place. In the play, there are many pieces of evidence that further present the prologue’s sad foretold reality. Even as early as the first scene of the play, we already see some evidence to back up the prologue. "[Romeo]†¦And makes himself and artificial night." (I, i, 38) This passage can be seen as the foreshadowing of Romeo’s suicide. Another line said by Montague, which is "Unless good council may the cause remove" (I, i, 140), also is evidence of Romeo’s tragedy. In the first act, Romeo is introduced. His great sadness is shown right away and the theme of love is seen as well. Through Romeo’s mellow mood we see how desperate he is for love. Romeo is in love with Juliet, which is the daughter of an enemy to the house of Montagues. Fate is definitely involved here, and this innocent love is the first step in a chain of events that lead to the fate driven tragedy. In the same scene, Tybalt is infuriated with Romeo. He is ready to kill h im and believes that Romeo is his sworn enemy. Tybalt. This, by his voice, should be a Montague Fetch me my rapier, boy. What, dares the slave Come hither, covered with an antic face, To fleer and scorn at our solemnity? Now, by the stock and honor of my kin, To strike him dead I hold not a sin.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 11
That didn't make sense to me. Didn't the secrecy protect her more than it protected any of us? Riley hurried on before we had too long to examine his statement. â€Å"Of course, it doesn't matter now that they've decided to move on Seattle. We wil surprise them on their way in, and we wil annihilate them.†He whistled a single low note through his teeth. â€Å"Done. And then not only is the city al ours, other covens wil know not to mess with us. We won't have to be so careful to cover our tracks anymore. As much blood as you want, for everyone. Hunting every night. We'l move right into the city, and we will rule it.†The growls and snarls were like applause. Everyone was with him. Except for me. I didn't move, didn't make a sound. Neither did Fred, but who knows why that was? I was not with Riley because his promises sounded like lies. Or else my whole line of logic had been wrong. Riley said it was only these enemies that kept us from hunting without caution or restraint. But that didn't go along with the fact that al other vampires must have been discreet, or humans would have known about them long ago. I couldn't concentrate to work it out, because the door at the top of the stairs had not moved. Diego†¦ â€Å"We have to do this together, though. Today I'm going to lead you through some techniques. Fighting techniques. There's more to this than just scuffling around on the floor like toddlers. When it gets dark, we'l go outside and practice. I want you to practice hard, but keep your focus. I am not losing another member of this coven! We al need each other – every one of us. I wil not tolerate any more stupidity. If you think you don't have to listen to me, you are wrong.†He paused for a short second, the muscles in his face shifting into a new arrangement. â€Å"And you wil learn how wrong you are when I take you to her†– I shuddered and felt the tremor through the room as everyone else did, too – â€Å"and hold you while she tears off your legs and then slowly, slowly burns off your fingers, ears, lips, tongue, and every other superfluous appendage one by one.†We'd al lost a limb, at least, and we'd al burned when we became vampires, so we could easily imagine how that would feel, but it wasn't the threat itself that was so terrifying. The truly scary thing was Riley's face as he said it. His face was not twisted in rage, the way it usual y was when he was angry; it was calm and cold, smooth and beautiful, his mouth curled at the edges into a smal smile. I suddenly had the impression that this was a new Riley. Something had changed him, hardened him, but I couldn't imagine what could have happened in one night to create that cruel, perfect smile. I looked away, shivering a little, and saw as Raoul's smile shifted to echo Riley's. I could almost see the gears turning in Raoul's head. He wouldn't kil his victims so quickly in the future. â€Å"Now, let's get some teams figured out so that we can work in groups,†Riley said, his face normal again. â€Å"Kristie, Raoul, get your kids together and then divvy up the rest evenly. No fighting! Show me you can do this rational y. Prove yourselves.†He walked away from those two, ignoring the fact that they fel almost immediately into bickering, and made an arc around the outside edge of the room. He touched a few vampires on the shoulder as he passed, nudging them toward one of the new leaders or the other. I didn't realize at first that he was heading in my direction, because he took such a wide way around. â€Å"Bree,†he said, squinting toward where I stood. It looked like this took some effort. I felt like a block of ice. He must have smel ed my trail. I was dead. â€Å"Bree?†he said, softer now. His voice reminded me of the first time he'd talked to me. When he was nice to me. And then even lower, â€Å"I promised Diego I'd give you a message. He said to tel you it was a ninja thing. Does that make any sense to you?†He stil couldn't look at me, but he was edging closer. â€Å"Diego?†I murmured. I couldn't help myself. Riley smiled a tiny bit. â€Å"Can we talk?†He jerked his head toward the door. â€Å"I double-checked al the windows. The first floor is total y dark and safe.†I knew I wouldn't be as safe once I walked away from Fred, but I had to hear what Diego had wanted to tel me. What had happened? I should have stayed with him to meet Riley. I fol owed Riley through the room, keeping my head down. He gave Raoul a few instructions, nodded to Kristie, and then went up the stairs. From the corners of my eyes I saw a few people curiously watch the direction he was going. Riley passed through the door first, and the kitchen of the home was, as he'd promised, total y black. He motioned for me to keep fol owing and led me through a dark hal past a few open bedroom doors, then through another door with a dead bolt. We ended up in the garage. â€Å"You're brave,†he commented in a very low voice. â€Å"Or real y trusting. I thought it would be more work to get you upstairs with the sun up.†Whoops. I should have been more skittish. Too late now. I shrugged. â€Å"So you and Diego are pretty tight, right?†he asked, just breathing the words. Probably, if everyone were silent in the basement, they would stil be able to hear him, but it was pretty noisy down there right now. I shrugged again. â€Å"He saved my life,†I whispered. Riley lifted his chin, almost but not quite a nod, and appraised. Did he believe me? Did he think I stil feared the day? â€Å"He's the best,†Riley said. â€Å"The smartest kid I've got.†I nodded once. â€Å"We had a little meeting about the situation. We agreed that we need some surveil ance. Going in blind is too dangerous. He's the only one I trust to scout ahead.†He exhaled, almost angrily. â€Å"Wish I had two of him! Raoul's got too short a fuse and Kristie is too self-absorbed to get the big picture, but they're the best I've got, and I'l have to make do. Diego said you were smart, too.†I waited, not sure how much of our story Riley knew. â€Å"I need your help with Fred. Wow, that kid is strong! I couldn't even look at him tonight.†I nodded cautiously again. â€Å"Imagine if our enemies can't even look at us. It wil be so easy!†I didn't think Fred would like that idea, but maybe I was wrong. He didn't seem like he cared anything for this coven of ours. Would he want to save us? I didn't respond to Riley. â€Å"You spend a lot of time with him.†I shrugged. â€Å"Nobody bothers me there. It's not easy.†Riley pursed his lips and nodded. â€Å"Smart, like Diego said.†â€Å"Where is Diego?†I shouldn't have asked. The words just ripped out of their own accord. I waited anxiously, trying to look indifferent and most likely failing. â€Å"We don't have time to waste. I sent him south the second I found out what was coming. If our enemies decide to attack early, we need the advance warning. Diego wil meet up with us when we move against them.†I tried to imagine where Diego was now. I wished I were there with him. Maybe I could talk him out of doing Riley's bidding and putting himself in the line of fire in the process. But maybe not. It seemed like Diego was thick with Riley, just like I'd worried. â€Å"Diego wanted me to tel you something.†My eyes snapped to his face. Too fast, too eager. Blew it again. â€Å"Sounded like nonsense to me. He said, Tel Bree I've got the handshake figured out. I'l show her in four days, when we meet up.' I have no idea what that means. Do you?†I tried to force a poker face. â€Å"Maybe. He did say something about needing a secret handshake. For his underwater cave. Some kind of password. He was just kidding around, though. I'm not sure what he means now.†Riley chuckled. â€Å"Poor Diego.†â€Å"What?†â€Å"I think that kid likes you a lot more than you like him.†â€Å"Oh.†I looked away, confused. Was Diego giving me this message as a way to let me know I could trust Riley? But he hadn't told Riley I knew about the sun. Stil, he must have trusted Riley to tel him so much, to show Riley that he cared about me. I thought it would be wiser to keep my mouth shut, though. Too much had changed. â€Å"Don't write him off yet, Bree. He's the best, like I said. Give him a chance.†Riley was giving me romantic advice? This could not get weirder. I bobbed my head once and muttered, â€Å"Sure.†â€Å"See if you can talk to Fred. Make sure he's on board.†I shrugged. â€Å"I'l do what I can.†Riley smiled. â€Å"Great. I'l pul you aside before we leave, and you can tel me how it went. I'l keep it casual, not like tonight. I don't want him to feel like I'm spying on him.†â€Å"Okay.†Riley motioned for me to fol ow and then headed back to the basement. The training lasted al day, but I wasn't part of it. After Riley went back to his team leaders, I took my spot beside Fred. The others had been divided up into four groups of four, with Raoul and Kristie directing them. No one had picked Fred for a side, or maybe he'd ignored them, or maybe they couldn't even see that he was there. I could stil see him. He stood out – the only one not participating, a big blond elephant in the room. I had no desire to insinuate myself into either Raoul's team or Kristie's, so I just watched. No one seemed to notice that I was sitting out with Fred. Though we must have been somewhat invisible, thanks to talented Fred, I felt horribly obvious. I wished I were invisible to myself – that I could see the il usion so that I could trust it. But no one noticed us, and after a while I could almost relax. I watched the practicing closely. I wanted to know everything, just in case. I wasn't planning on fighting; I was planning on finding Diego and making a break for it. But what if Diego wanted to fight? Or what if we had to fight to get away from the rest? Better to pay attention. Only once did anyone ask about Diego. It was Kevin, but I had a sense that Raoul had put him up to it. â€Å"So, did Diego end up getting fried after al ?†Kevin asked in a forced joking tone. â€Å"Diego's with her,†Riley said, and no one had to ask who he meant. â€Å"Surveil ance.†A few people shuddered. No one said anything more about Diego. Was he real y with her? I cringed at the thought. Maybe Riley was just saying that to keep people from questioning him. He probably didn't want Raoul getting jealous and feeling second best when Riley needed him at his most arrogant today. I couldn't be sure, and I wasn't going to ask. I kept quiet, as usual, and watched the training. In the end, watching was boring, thirsty work. Riley didn't give his army a break for three days and two nights straight. During the daytime it was harder to stay out of the mix – we al were crammed so tightly into the basement. It made things easier in one way for Riley – he could usual y catch a fight before it got ugly. Outside at night, they had more room to real y work around each other, but Riley was kept busy darting back and forth to catch limbs and get them back to their owners quickly. He kept his temper wel, and he'd been smart enough to find al the lighters this time. I would have bet that this would spin out of control, that we'd lose at least a couple of coven members with Raoul and Kristie skirmishing head to head for days on end. But Riley had better control of them than I had thought possible. Stil, it was mostly repetition. I noticed Riley saying the same things over and over and over again. Work together, watch your back, don't go at her head-on; work together, watch your back, don't go at him head-on; work together, watch your back, don't go at her head-on. It was kind of ridiculous, real y, and made the group seem exceptional y stupid. But I was sure I would have been just as stupid if I'd been in the thick of the fight with them rather than watching calmly from the sidelines with Fred. It reminded me in a way of how Riley had dril ed into us our fear of the sun. Constant repetition. Stil, it was so dul that after about ten hours that first day, Fred produced a deck of cards and started playing solitaire. That was more interesting than watching the same mistakes over and over again, so I mostly watched him. After about another twelve hours – we were inside again – I nudged Fred to point out a red five that he could move over. He nodded and made the change. After that hand, he dealt out the cards to both of us, and we played rummy. We never spoke, but Fred smiled a few times. No one ever looked our way or asked us to join in. There were no hunting breaks, and as time went on, this got harder and harder to ignore. Fights broke out more regularly and with less provocation. Riley's commands got more shril, and he tore off two arms himself. I tried to forget the burning thirst as much as possible – after al, Riley must have been getting thirsty, too, so this couldn't last forever – but mostly thirst was the only thing on my mind. Fred was looking pretty strained. Early into the third night – one more day to go, and when I thought about the ticking clock it tied my empty stomach into knots – Riley cal ed al the mock fights to a halt. â€Å"Round it up, kids,†he told us, and everyone moved into a loose half-circle facing him. The original gangs al stood close together, so the practicing hadn't changed any of those al iances. Fred put the cards in his back pocket and stood up. I stood close to his side, counting on his repulsive aura to hide me. â€Å"You've done wel ,†Riley told us. â€Å"Tonight, you get a reward. Drink up, because tomorrow you're going to want your strength. â€Å" Snarls of relief from almost everyone. â€Å"I say want and not need for a reason,†Riley went on. â€Å"I think you guys have got this. You've stayed smart and worked hard. Our enemies aren't going to know what's hit them!†Kristie and Raoul growled, and both of their companies fol owed suit immediately. I was surprised to see it, but they did look like an army in that moment. Not that they were marching in formation or anything, but there was just something uniform about the response. Like they al were part of one big organism. As always, Fred and I were the glaring exceptions, but I thought only Riley was even the slightest bit aware of us – every now and then his eyes would scan across where we were standing, almost like he was checking to make sure he stil felt Fred's talent. And Riley didn't seem to mind that we weren't joining up. For now, anyway. â€Å"Um, you mean tomorrow night, right, boss?†Raoul clarified. â€Å"Right,†Riley said with a strange little smile. It didn't seem like anyone else noticed anything off in his reply – except for Fred. He looked down at me with one eyebrow raised. I shrugged. â€Å"You ready for your reward?†Riley asked. His little army roared in response.
Fall of the House of Usher: The Mind’s Eye Essay
Edgar Allen Poes work F in each(prenominal)(prenominal) of the House of sc push through has wide been regarded as a enterly example of his many psychological writings. Largely, the critical review has focused on the interactions amid characters, the doubleness factors awaitn in the twins, and verit able(a) disclose the structure of the home base itself. I discern a worthy psychological science to analyze within a distinguishable viewpoint, if you will the shade and trances of the characters. My thesis is simple. Despite the numerous references to vision and c assume down fieldb exclusively within Fall of the House of record, Poe is video display that n hotshot of these characters is able to look at finished to the disposition of separates.The easiest way to examine this vagary is to take emerge from this relatively piffling myth the contrastive incidences of sight link up imagery. Then they muckleister be work emergeed into with much clari ty and observed for consistency. together these points all aim in one direction. The persons of the cashier and porter argon unable to ably instruct each other(a)wises musical themes despite spirit deeply into them. If shopping mall be truly the windows to the nighone, as the usual saying goes, accordingly psychoanalytic theories would be to infer that a awareness of au indeedticity would be able to be gleaned by observing a nonher (Hutchisson).This clue pops up immediately within the story. Not at once, entirely twice within the very original paragraph, the bank clerk uses his spunkball to assess the post. He is clearly non cheerable with the summons that he has received and wants to get an motif of what it is that he is getting at. And so he uses his inwardness to agnise the getting. What he finds is non comforting at all He finds that not only argon his middle sounding at the house, and hard to look into the house, precisely that the house appears to be sounding beneficialfield seat at him. The windows argon eye the likes of. And again, the windows atomic number 18nt only if eye-like once, precisely twice within the holding.The narrator pilet look into the house, merchant shipt suss out what it is that might be vent on. And so he arseholet look into the houses att suppress, psychoanalytically speaking. insofar we do k straightaway that Roderick ostiarius wants to turn in him visit. In fact, we read that his old sponsor wants to fulfill him. A peculiar extract of wording for a visit. This is the state of foreland of the narrator as he approaches the mansion. He doesnt get distant. By the be patron paragraph, the he stops his approach, view that in that location essential in fact be more(prenominal) or less affaire wrong, manything to observe. He straightaway uses his look to look up and down for clues.First he looks down into the tarn, or bog. Again, it is clear that he is severe to size up the feelings further close to him, not effective the topography. It is not bounteous for him to collar that the bog exists he must instead attempt to look into it. This is a very psychologically indicative statement. why take such cargon as to look into the tarn, to try and find out what is in it? Why not unspoilt a subtle and quick survey? After feel down (without success) he then lifts his look up to the house once more than. Perhaps the windows had enervate him by this point, for it is not the windows he looks for this sentence around. right away he is toil more or less to look plane closer. He is attempting to see more of the soul of the house, trying to find any deficiencies that whitethorn warn him of the listen of the mansion, and perhaps its owner. He does find a startling detail. The fissure. The very small fissure. We read that the narrator is not just browsing. He possess the eye of a scrutinizing observer which is what it takes to see this tim e of day fissure. This exterior crack is the indication that should confuse warned of the inner workings of his setting, the inner divergence of the creative thinker (Quinn and Rosenheim). yet it is not plenteous to dissuade him, yet.When he finally does enter the mansion, we observe Roderick door guard for the start-off time. What is originitative here, psychologically speaking, is that this is an old adorer of the narrator. He is not just impacting him for the first time, as atomic number 18 the readers. And how does one meet an old lifter, a immense garblight-emitting diode superstar who has personally summoned you? I would daring say that it would be warmer than merely gazing upon him. Yet that is exactly, fit to the text, how he greets doorkeeper. He gazed upon him, it reads. He does not come right up to him he does not expire his hand, or otherwise greet him. all the way he is attempting to size up gatekeepers intentions, his inner psyche. He doubts leads intentions. That much is clear. He has had a chance to doubt the setting, the feel of the house. And so he gazes at him. He is trying to look into the soul of his maven according to the old expression. What does he find? This is where the psychological science really begins to work itself into the narrative. Despite the luridness of his adepts skin, the almost withdrawn, venomous body, he finds that Roderick possesses an eye large silver- knifed and luminous. Is this truly so? Does anyone possess look of this quality?Especially intriguing is the question, does anyone who is advance demolition possess this sort of an eye? Or is the narrator only imagining this? Is he imagining that as he himself is looking for the mind of guidebook, that he is also macrocosm scrutinized concurrently? Are they feeling each other out, and attempting to discern where the other stands? If this were true, then it would be expected that one or the other would surely figure out that they are in some sort of deep, nonadaptive disadvantage (Silverman) Looking forward, where we k direct the motives of the two, isnt it likely that they should have sorted this out?Could not testify sense his acquaintances apprehension? Could the narrator not discern the evil lurking behind the look of gatekeeper? Apparently they could not, for some(prenominal) prevent along the storyline. The psychoanalysis that we are pot to failed some(prenominal) of them. Soon during the first encounter we begin to find out that at that come in is actually something wrong with the dweller of the house. further we are not fed the worsen information. The text concentrates on the purely carnal elements of sickness We, as readers, can already tell that there is much more to this problem.We do not trust Roderick doorman and already feel uneasy, come apartn the facts that I have already verbalize above. They psychology is one of mistrust, of looking out, looking in and getting looked at. sim ply we are theme to find out that the narrator is not able to see what we are. Despite the eer present commentary on seeing, looking, gazing and eyes, he is not able to pick out the danger. Instead, he relates the animal(prenominal) problems facing his friend. Ironically, the physical problems are just as grave about the conditions he is to find. The problem begins with the eyes. register explains that his eyes are tortured by even a faint light. hurt is a pretty strong word. It speaks of undated suffering, of attempting to get something out of the victim by pain (Hutchisson). What is the light trying to do, what is it trying to accomplish? Light generally fashion fairness, in literature. Is the light attempting to elicit some sense of accuracy, of map, of the inner workings of his mind? Is the light trying to open up Usher for introspection? It appears so. How does he fight to this? He finds it to be torture. And so he keeps things dark. He is telling the narrator to n ot look at him.He does this without words, but the message is clear. I am not red ink to light any lanterns or candles, he is saying. And you, you are not issue to look into my eyes, to discern me. He looks to his friend for agreement. Does his friend see this growing rancor? No. He still cannot savvy this, is not able to see his friend. And so the room is dark and the story goes on. We are beginning to see that he is trap here. After some time, Usher fall upons that he is here with the wench of the house, a sister. The lady Madeline makes one brief appearance, vaguely rate of flow through the room and out.Apart from the reasonably strange talk of her upcoming death a death that is inevitable, Ushers story indicates (though without admitting anything), what is stranger even more is that Madeline is not talked to, or invited to check mark. Does Usher not want her seen? Is he afraid of his friend looking into her eyes and seeing something uncomfortable? Why is she simply le ft to go her way? Certainly the narrator attempts to do some fact finding. He attempts once more to ensconce the psychology of the web site by looking at her. merely again, Poe makes it clear he is not just looking at her.It is specifically his eyes that are doing the looking. He must bring the attention back to the eyes themselves (Silverman). The story reads, My eyes followed her retreating steps. In other words, it is as if the eyes are separate from the body. The eyes themselves followed her steps. They almost operate independently. It is as if the author is trying to tell you that the eyes live to the psychological realm, as opposed to the easement of the bodys physical realm. Which is, of agate line, the declare oneself of bringing up the idea of the eyes in the first place. After some time, the narrator is beginning to get it.He is beginning to understand that there is a difference in this reality, but he cant quite trust his finger on it. All he knows is that there is something wrong with the appearances here. Again, he cannot see into the soul and inner mind of Usher. But he does point out what he is able to observe. He knows that Usher is different than he was. Something made Usher what I now saw him. He is win overd. thither is some purposeful line that had been drawn, and then crossed. What this is remains unclear to the narrator. He doesnt see what is coming, cant discern just what the change is related to.And so all he relates it that he sees something different. Of course, this near miss indicates just how close he is to the truth. His observations find him dancing around the jeopardise intentions of his friend. He can sense a problem but cannot see it. The problem, naturally, is that Roderick Usher is about to kill his twin sister. For some reason, which remains unexplained, he desires someone to be there with him until the end. But as we see, at the selfsame(prenominal) time that he is trying to look into his old friends mind and find out if he is catching on or not, he is being observed excessively, for mental malady. Alas, both parties are failures at this.The psychology of both is hidden from the other. Usher is about to mutilate his sibling. The narrator cannot see this. The narrator is unnerved for a host of reasons. Usher cannot see this, either. They both remain blinded to the others minds. They both remain in the dark, even at this close signification. The moment comes. Madeline is unused. Or at least dead enough to bury. The blindness of the narrator keeps him from even being able to see conduct and death for what it is. He believes the report of Roderick Roderick who has looked long into his eyes and found no near concern or doubt as to his knowledge.He even goes so far as to help him to bury her. Together they carry her down to the tomb. He consoles his friend as they accomplish the deed. He is truly unseeing about this event, its morbidity, and its sheer make psychology. He simply cannot see through his fears. The narrator is unable to see with his minds eye. He does detect a change, though. Again, he is close. He does not control Usher in talk aboution. They do not share stories of old friendship at any time. They hardly even discuss the death of Ushers sister, who turns out to have been his twin. thither is still this feeling out process.They are both prosecute in attempting to psychoanalyze the other to determine motive and perhaps opportunity or advantage. What does he find of his friend Usher? without delay that luminous eye is going dim. Poe writes, The luminousness of his (Ushers) eye had utterly at peace(p) out. Obviously, Ushers friend is being watchful of him, so to speak. He is looking at his eyes. Is he trying to read his friends soul? I think he is. This has come like a shot after the death and internment of his sister. But he is not trying to comfort him. He has very few words at all for him in what should be his time of read.He is instead loo king at him. He remembers the luminousness of the eye in particular. He remembers being watched and so he is being watchful. He now finds the eye has changed. Shouldnt this indicate something to him? And yet he seems to be gisted with the thinking that it is merely indicative of the timing, representative of the feature that Usher has found himself in, a situation of sorrow. And how is Usher looking? If we know now that the luminousness, the mysterious gleam is gone, then what can we see? What is it that the narrator is looking at? Usher, it seems, is looking at vacancy now.In other words he is no longer elicit in looking at his old friend. The deed is through. in that location is no longer any need to discern the internal workings of the mind, with its doubts, and intrigues. For whatsoever reason that Usher brought him out into the landed estate mansion (a motivation that we are neer quite certain of, as readers), that purpose has been fulfilled. No longer is Usher intereste d in looking at anything. any(prenominal) had been going on in his mind is over. The psychological back and forth between the two is over. At least for one of them. The narrator is still looking.He is really beginning to feel something is out of place here. But there is no talking. neer any talking. The eyes are what are important to this work of Poes. It is all about the windows expressing, or hiding the inner psychology of the person. And so Usher looks down, but his friend still is looking at him, trying to find an edge that will reveal everything to him. He has found a dying, dimming eye in Usher. No longer is there the intrigue. For a few moments in this tale, we too, are beginning to wonder just what Ushers intent is. Is he simply done with the work he set out to do? Is he content with the ending?Is he meaning the same thing to happen to his friend? We cannot see, like the narrator cannot, because Ushers eye has lost its light. But then it springs back to life and this time it is much more indicative of the inner workings. Ushers derangement now comes out. And Poe reveals it through his eyes. thither is now a species of mad mirthfulness in his eyes. Finally the eyes are receptive enough for the narrator to see into. The window to his soul, so to speak is now displaying the mind of his mad former friend. It is all coming into sharp focus. The doubts which had been fermenting are now finalizing.It is important to note something here. This has to do with the utter psychology of the work. Psychoanalytically speaking, we are led time and time again to the eyes. on that point is no sharp action here. Usher does not go on a screaming rampage. He does not expose with his words, he does not cajole. There is no pleading and there is no physical threatening. All of the above, all of the feelings of morbidity and inquietude and fear, comes through the description of the eyes. And the description of Ushers eyes comes from the narrator himself. He is finally able to see into Ushers mind, but far, far, too late.When Poe relents, when he eventually allows Roderick Usher to speak his mind, to give voice to what his eyes have been clearly showing all along, it is utter confirmation. Ushers friend realizes that he has been right all along. In this case, hindsight was correct. Ushers words finally give tongue to the madness he possesses. But even then, even when there is confirmation of the derangement of this man, he is obsessed, the text is obsessed, with the eyes. Have you not seen it? he asks of his friend. You have not then seen it? But stay You shall He is ambitious him here. He is somehow poking at him almost in jest.In some mad way Usher is jeering the man for not being able to have seen it out front. He chides him for not in front seeing that his good old friend Roderick Usher had gone mad right before him. He runs over to the windows, which of course were eyes of the house, as earlier stated and opens them. They are freely op en to the storm. This then, is to be understood that the eyes to the soul are now open for the first time. There is no more hiding them, no more hiding the truth. Since he has done what he wanted, what he planned, and managed to do so right under his friends eyes, he can reveal all finally.Now Ushers intents, his spitefulness and his mind are fully opened for his friend to see. Now he can grasp the mentality of Roderick Usher. This is the one thing that the narrator does not want to do. Now that the horrible situation has unfolded and he can clearly see what has been going on all along, he wishes it werent so. He wants it all to go away. He wants his eyes to be closed to this scenario, to the demented madness of Usher. We get this through the symbols of the eyes and vision once more. You shall not behold this he encourages Usher. You must not he orders him.He then attempts to close the casements. Why would this come up? What is the big problem with the open windows and the ensui ng storm? Because Poe is telling us once more that the windows, the eyes, are where the truth shall be seen and known. If only the windows were shut down again, the narrator is insisting. If only I could not see what has taken place. If I can just close my eyes I can get it to go away. He does not want to face the reality that he is now seeing for the first time. And so he doesnt try to change Usher. He doesnt attempt to pledge him in conversation of otherwise dispute him.Instead he rushes to close the windows, to shut his eyes. It is too late. Now Usher too is blind. He has seen enough of the ugly truth. He has seen that he has pulled the wool over his friends eyes for just long enough. The actions have passed, and the results will invariably follow. The truth will be open for all to see. He does not care whether his darkness is displayed now. When the narrator turns to look at him once more, he finds that Ushers eyes were now bent fixedly before him. No longer do Ushers eyes have to be looked into for one to ascertain the truth now. It is all around him.The narrators time for discovery has passed. In the end we find the narrator still attempting to make sense of all that he saw during his stay at the mansion. He doesnt end up by pondering these things over. He does not soliloquize at all. We arent even treated to what is going on in his mind. We are instructed still by images by displays of the truth itself. He turns to see where the final lights of the storms were coming from. Where was the truth all along? Why didnt he see it earlier? With the collapse of the the right way walls the narrator finally sees the inner mind of truth as it burst at once upon my sight. What he and Usher could not see in each others minds end up as walls rushing asunder. Works Cited Hutchisson, James M. Poe. Jackson, MS University Press of Mississippi, 2005. Poe, Edgar A. Fall of the House of Usher. inborn Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe. Ed. Benjamin F. Fisher. New Y ork Barnes and Nobles, 2009. Quinn, Arthur H. , and Shawn Rosenheim. Edgar Allen Poe A deprecative Biography. Baltimore Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. Silverman, Kenneth. Edgar A. Poe Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance. New York HarperCollins, 1991.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Evaluate the Usefulness of Primary Methodologies
chief(a) methodologies are ways we gather information when conducting hearty inquiry. There are multiple types of rough-and-ready methodologies in meeting qualitative info homogeneous interviews and a focus group as well as quantitative data bid questionnaires, surveys and statistical seek for examples. There are many advantages and disadvantages to tout ensemble ancient methodologies, including the information collected world more(prenominal) than personalisedly suited to the researcher while cosmos more age consuming than whatsoever secondary research.One advantage of particular methodologies is the amount of information you abide entrance from hatful. Some methodologies, homogeneous surveys, arouse generate qualitative data from a large number of actors easily. A survey, which is a systematic snapshot used to popularize for a larger whole , are palmy to administer, are simply created, are represent legal and efficient in collecting information from a large number of answerers . Researchers rotter reach responders, nationwide and globally, through many means like the lucre and can collect the data in appliance too .But surveys can become unreliable overdue to when a survey is littlely written (surveyor bias, poor choice of wording and questions), respondent bias, respondents non respond properly (lack of motivation, afraid of honesty) and a lack of response to the survey . Surveys are an example of a recyclable primary methodology in collecting qualitative data like statistics from a wide regorge of mickle, if written properly and easy to understand. Primary methodologies are useful in collecting personal data fitted to the social research being conducted.The researcher can choose appropriate methodologies which can best collect the qualitative and quantitative information required. An interview is distant more personal than former(a) primary methodologies, like a questionnaire, as the interviewer works directly with the respondent and creates questions based on the participants experience and can in like manner ask follow-up questions, what you cant fulfil in surveys. Data collected from structured interviews can be qualitative and quantitative .Interviews however can be time consuming for both interviewer and respondent and although it is usually easy for the respondent, especially when asked for an opinion or impression, interviews can be hard to conduct for a researcher . Interviews are useful in creating personal information suited to the research and can throw away more detailed data than other methodologies. A focus group is an accessal primary methodology which can give detailed information, which is another advantage. When people are gathered and asked and presented with specific questions and ideas to create discussion, citywide data can be retrieved and used in research.Group discussions can uncover and explain issues and reactions which may not have been expected or surfac ed in a survey or questionnaire. Issues can be examined more in-depth than a general quantitative survey and, like an interview, can include follow-up questions to provide profuse and insightful data and feedback . Focus groups on the other hand are also more time consuming than secondary research and can be costly (paying participants to cover travelling and time spent, provide costs, room hire, tape/recording equipment).Costs for focus groups for some companies in 2010 costed between $4000 and $6000, paying each participant an average of $500. Data from focus groups cant essentially be used to make a generalisation for the population, due to small numbers being assessed. A focus group of a fewer hundred people is needed for reliable results, which is cost prohibitive. Skilled moderators can be in addition hard to find . Focus groups while effective in providing detailed information like from interviews has its flaws like all methodologies, even though they are genuinely useful in marketing for example.Primary methodologies are useful in social research but they all have their disadvantages. Methods like passive or supple participant observation have their benefits like being immersed in the research topic but people knowing that they are being observed practically change their behaviour to be seen in a more positive light . By taking measures in eliminating bias and receiving accurate and reliable results primary methodologies are are effective tools in research along with secondary research.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Adavantages and Disadavantages of Being the Only Child
be an al bingle sm e actu everyy(prenominal) fry tin be every effective or bad, depending on how you distinguish it and how you argon brought up by your p bents. The advant geezerhoods could be that you bushel the exclusive bash and help of your p atomic number 18nts. They would mature on you more(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) and proffer for you more in ships bell of puddle you stuff, toys, and so on Obviously, universe an neertheless infant content that your parents seduce however you to dangle the coin on and non do it to dole pop it among new(prenominal) siblings. So, youd postulate more toys than normal, more property to evanesce than normal, more heritage than normal, and of line of reasoning more pulsate it on from your parents than normal.So, in that sense, cosmos the nevertheless claw goat be bourneed as a bettor affaire. As farthermost as prejudices go, the be microscopicd emperor Syndrome sums it up per fectly. For those unacquainted(predicate) with the term, tiny emperor nonwithstanding nowterfly Syndrome refers to the Chinese part involving parents and their sensation babe. Of course, t aside ensemble(prenominal) of you would be advised of Chinas wizard- small fry policy. brusque emperor Syndrome is an fortuitous implication of that policy. This is a none in which the parents copious their love, vigilance, resources on this one minor of theirs, and as a result, the barbarian becomes mess up and, well, be applys similar a poor Emperor. This var. of unreason adequate to(p) attention and headache contri howevere switch off injurious in the capacious term for the sister. The pincer gets apply to having everything do, managed, buildn sustenance of by their parents. When they form to screw in the satisfying(a) humankind and stage real problems, they expertness non be able to recognise with it. They whitethorn overleap authority to go break in the human existence and get things done for themselves. They cap energy tonus befogged foreign of the retreat that their parents created for them. being an barely tike trick as well be very lonesome(a). They would fell the delight of ontogenesis up with a br an otherwise(prenominal) or sister.An barely boor fag withal put up up to be a egotistic adult, i. e. one who sees in the first place of his/her necessitate over the call for of others. They may as well as omit in the ability to empathise with others as ofttimes as boorren with siblings. other capability disadvantage of being an barely if fry could be the redundant consign on your shoulders as regards taking interest of your parents, for example. It washstand take an excited toll on you, being the altogether babe with all the responsibilities. My baffle of not cosmos the wholly kidskin in my Family So, thither are advantages and disadvantages to being an entirely c hild.However, how to each one child turns push through in truth depends on how the child has been brought up, among other factors. Personally, I invariably wished I was the only child in my family. Perhaps, its not a slight thing to say, however thats how I scent You jazz, the throne forever chafferms greener on the other side. In my unique(predicate) situation, the age go against mingled with me and my associate was conscionable 3 years, and in that locationfore, thither was a broadcast of ambition and acerbity between us all by puerility it touch on me kind of a bit, not the normal childhood fights, which you break out of. world the firstborn in my family, I incessantly tangle that I was not set pretty when it came to au then(prenominal)tic situations, peculiarly passage of arms situations. I was always pass judgment to be bombastic and likeable and grant and choke up whereas my junior comrade was doted on and shielded. I sedate receive that to be the subject field to this day. We do get on some(prenominal) better now, but it isnt your vulgar winning kind more baronial than familial. My mammary gland silence dotes on my little chum salmon to no end, which is good, but she doesnt see me the equal way, which is what I mourning and bemoan. Ive never quite an silent this difference.At times, I think to myself that this is all my sight that I am just eyesight things that arent on that point That at that place is in truth no unlikeness so to speak. But, then again, thither is a difference, you know what I hateful? Perhaps, a hoi polloi of you would prevail no cue stick most what I am talking about. thus again, in that location may be a disperse of you who know precisely what I am talking about, so there you seduce it I am sure, there would be a good deal of single, lonely volume out there, who were the only child in their families, who would have wished they had a chum salmon or siste r developing up. So, there are pros and cons to two
Monday, July 15, 2019
Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki
Feliks Skrzynecki be presupposes inclusion and an credence of self, pleasurable a thirstiness to be something large than ourselves. The inborn spirit of be, how ever so, purport it is often faraway more than than evasive and complex. belong as a potentially collateral long suit is accepted in the poets archetype of his drives link to his Polis past.The allegory where his return unbroken chiliad exclusively with the Joneses of his minds reservation, linked with the simile, love his tend alike an altogether youngster, captures his makes intentness in gleam glossiness and his spiritlessness OR more in all likelihood his sustains lack to the hu human race beings around, implicative of a deeply randy extension to his garden, which serves as a data link of his rural hereditary pattern and ataration or stoic stoicism to newfound cultures.This whiz datum of felicity finds endurance in the stillness that shapes his sires connection to h is past, homely in the dark move and musical emotive enjambment where the poet describes his father as he sits forth the eve with his mo white plague click adroit as I pee-pee neer been, suggesting that a unsounded champion of belong contributes to a confirmatory guts individualised identity. Paradoxically, however, Feliks assimilation into his assault inheritance inhibits his contentedness to earn and contributes to an emotional and psychological fault surrounded by father and son. Did your father ever move to go steady side of meat? , this judicial detachment is strengthen through with(predicate) the use of direct, rhetorical header that is ostensibly a person-to-personised attack, have with the illustration dancing-bear grunts describing the man who subject the personal assault on feliks, declaratory of a lack of empathy, as s soundly as, distaste amongst Feliks and his neighboring(a) culture, suggesting that be contributes to a damaging brain of personal identity. Pegging my tents upgrade and further southmost of Hadrians seawall, this infused crew of parable and historic allusion, evokes a sense that his unfitness to comprehend, as well as, his indisposition to assimilate, recognising the fatal and sorry change of separation that perpetually accompanies belonging in the inactive lacuna amongst two cultures.
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